
Monday, November 9, 2020

Allow me to edit this tweet


'What I love about Biden's [_____________] is that he's the candidate for my political party.' 

Seems a bit less wordy. I could be wrong, but given Sam's past jots and tittles, I'm figuring it's not too far off the mark. 

Expect in the coming months that leftist Catholics will be gushing with love and praise, ignoring anything and everything that leftist Biden detractors were emphasizing earlier in the year, turning a blind eye to any indescirations in either Harris or Biden's lives, and singing to the new administration with all praise and rejoicing.  

Will they ever criticize Biden?  Will he be able to do anything - other than not being hard enough on conservatives and Republicans - that they will criticize?  Time will tell.  But expect worshipful levels of adoration and exaltation in the coming months. 


  1. Crickets... Exactly what we got from the mccarrick mitre crowd... So from the likes of blaze-ing saddles in Chicago & texter 'luv u sweety' too-bin-laden in Newark & the lefty loons in TN & CA... Martin, sj & F1 will simply ignore the hundred million dead babies from uncle Joe's support of Banned Parenthood

    1. I fear the abortion stat is according to that old quip by Stalin: A single death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic. That there have been tens of millions of aborted pregnancies barely raises and eyebrow, and that's for those who aren't out cheering abortions for all they're worth. Likewise, tens of millions dead from AIDS has barely cause the entire modern sex revolution to hiccup. Agess from now we will be the generation that killed more people for the most vain and shallow reasons than any other era in human history I'm afraid.


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