
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Pope Francis and gay civil unions

So the news has broken that Pope Francis is "indicating" support for Civil Unions for gay couples.  Like the word 'inadmissible' where the death penalty is concerned, that word 'indicate' could fill a baker's rack in terms of what it might mean. If he is voicing support for gay civil unions, then he's about four decades behind most mainline Protestant denominations that ended up embracing the abortion/gay/transgender/post-Christian world of Marxist atheism after they had said 'Gays, we don't support it technically, but we want to be nice.' (c. 1978). 

Now, there are a few possibilities here that I can tell: 

1. The most obvious is that this is being taken grossly out of context by a media itching to convert the world to its secular, leftist gospel.  It's not the first time the "press" has rushed forth proclaiming some new thing that inevitably points to the glories of an atheistic, Marxist, secular leftist global vision ... only to see it walked back a few days or weeks later.  More than that, the stories seem to be referring to a 'documentary', which in our post-Michael Moore era, have all the credibility of a Reality TV Show rehearsal.  Not that Pope Francis shouldn't be more careful.  But let's face it, if the propaganda organs have you in their crosshairs, it's tough to always be on guard. 


2.  We'll have the inevitable walk-back by the multi million dollar 'We're here to explain what Pope Francis really said' industry.  It will turn out he was misunderstood, mistranslated, or twisted by a cadre of Francis-haters, and who knows what. We'll be left not knowing who said what, if Pope Francis meant anything, but everyone sure they know how wrong everyone is else about what Pope Francis really meant. 


3. He doesn't care if gays, lesbians, bisexuals or anyone else burns in Hell, since these are ultimately mortal sins and those who knowingly and willfully indulge in mortal sins without repenting had best stock up on their sunscreen for eternity.  Or at least that's back when there was such a thing as sin below the waistline. 


4. Like mainline Protestants, he sees 'development of doctrine' as a 'get out of jail free card' for changing the faith to conform to any of the latest, hippest fads and trends in modernist, liberal culture and society.  After all, we don't have to abstain from pork or get hung up on women's menstrual cycles, so why not one more change along the way? 


5. There's the last one.  He just doesn't believe anymore.  Any more than do many mainline Protestants I knew who were much more open about the fact that they no longer put stock in ancient myths and desert prophets and made up fairy tales about God in mangers and stone tablets and all.  At best it's a metaphorical canvas upon which to paint our ever evolving and infinitely superior morality.  At worst, it's been a tool of oppression, hate, evil and everything we need to eradicate.  Either/or, religion and religious doctrine is generally wrong and of no particular value anyway, so tossing this or that teaching in the corner like an old shoe is the logical course of action in most cases. 

That's about it.  Maybe there's another possibility.  Maybe one of these is right.  But I'm not seeing anything that says 'It's completely accurate, Pope Francis said just that, and he is merely repeating the clear and obvious doctrine of the Church that was once for all delivered to the saints.'  Of all the possibilities, that one simply doesn't make the grade in terms of reality or common sense.    


Well, two twitter folk seem to think Pope Francis said what he said and has openly endorsed, celebrated, and supported the glories of gay sex, legal recognition of gay sex, and raising children to affirm and celebrate all things orgasmic where gay sex is concerned (hundreds of millions of aborted and dead innocents in the wake of the sexual revolution being, of course, of no consequence):

It's looking less and less likely that Numbers 1 and 2 are the answer.  Given his track record of being high on Marxist inspired liberation theology and universalism (but for Capitalists and mafia types), I'm guessing 3 is unlikely as well.  

Again, I'll wait.  But this could be full blown heresy and the "Pope Changes Catholicism!" that Catholics have dreaded for ages.  NPL Catholics, liberals, leftists, and most unbelievers will rejoice and follow the Pope anywhere.  The faithful will be between a rock and hard place if this is true. If the Pope can change this fundamental teaching about humanity so flagrantly, where does Catholic teaching stand, but the same as Protestant teaching, which is ultimately just worldly teaching with great wedding receptions and fun wine auctions ... and not much more. 

UPDATE II:  Even our local news stations broke the evening news with the story: A giant leap forward for equality!  Pope Francis has given his blessings for Gay Civil Unions; that is, Pope Francis has given his blessings for gay sex.  That is, Pope Francis has officially changed Church teaching!  

Perhaps, again, the news agencies, liberal Catholics, leftists and non-believers, and the various LGBTQ activists already interviewed who are praising this development are, in fact, wrong.  If they are, damage has already been done by yet another of Pope Francis's 'interviews from Hell.'  If not, then the Catholic Church is, after 2000 long years, in the biggest pickle it's ever been in.  

Either the Pope can in fact change Church teaching, meaning Church teaching can be changed as much as any Protestant denomination (if not a tad slower), or the Pope cannot be trusted to be the shepherd, not just because of bad behavior, but because a rogue, wildcard pope could come out and change the next doctrine he doesn't find pleasing.  Making Catholicism just a big, lumbering, large version of any other Protestant denomination. 

Unless this is all wrong, and Pope Francis needs to apologize for yet another disastrous interview, then I see only one way out for the Church, it's credibility, and its identity.  And personally, I don't see the leaders of the Church able to take such a step. 

UPDATE III: OK, so a local priest (not ours, but one I've known for years) posted what he says Pope Francis actually said.  According to him, Pope Francis said nothing of the kind.  According to the statement he posted, Pope Francis merely said what he's said before, and that's if parents have a child who embraces a same sex preference, you can't trash them, hash them, beat them or any such thing.  According to him, Pope Francis said nothing about celebrating gay sex, gay weddings or any such thing.  So again, we'll have to wait and see.  We're seeing news saying he's all but sanctioned gay weddings, and not a few leftist Catholics seeming to also celebrate the good news.  But that is no more reliable than the news.  So once again, let's wait and see. 

UPDATE IV: Oh boy.  All over the place news outlets are proclaiming the news: Pope Francis calls to change Catholic teaching to accept and support gay unions!  Meantime, Catholics seem split.  As above, more liberal and leftist Catholics are joining the news in cheering for this momentous event in which Catholicism joins liberal Protestantism as seeing development of doctrine as a blank check to change all that old religion stuff in order to conform to the world.   On the other hand, you have those insisting Pope Francis said no such thing, is completely within the context of historical Church teaching, and all is right with the world.  What a mess.  Once again, Pope Francis is interviewed and all hell breaks loose.  


  1. You omitted the most obvious and likely possibility:
    6. Pope Francis endorsed "civil unions" for so-called same sex "couples". (Who knows why? He seldom explains himself.)
    However as every Catholic and even every informed non-Catholic SHOULD know, not everything that a Pope says amounts to "Catholic doctrine"(i.e. Catholic teaching). It's very unfortunate that he said it and will cause great confusion and difficulty in the struggle against so-called "same sex marriage" and all the other manifestations of the Culture of Death (which Pope Francis has repeatedly voiced strong opposition to), but it's not Catholic doctrine.

    1. The limits of what such statements mean are clear, but there are many out there - and likely within the Church - who don't get it, and are being egged on by progressive Catholics proclaiming the glories of his change in Church teaching. And then you get to non-Catholics. All in all, at best we're left with once again asking why Pope Francis continues doing what has caused so much division, confusion, angst, and problems in and out of the Church regarding his charge.


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