
Friday, September 4, 2020

Dear The Atlantic: This is not news

The news story sweeping the propaganda ministry news media is that Trump despises all veterans, thinks they're morons, and has nothing but contempt for them all.  We know this because The Atlantic has reported it.  We know The Atlantic is correct because it has this story from multiple anonymous sources.

Wait.  What?  I'm sorry, but I barely trust a news story today when they provide video taped evidence with names and credentials.  Do you think I'm going to believe a story based on 'I can't tell you who said it, but trust me, he's reliable'?  Next thing you know The Atlantic will be insisting Professional Wrestling is real. 

It sometime stuns me to see the various side effects of our dying civilization.  As my boys once said, we're the generation that finally proves an education isn't enough.  Despite our education, people will take The Atlantic at face value.  Despite enough examples to fill Jupiter of news stories being wrong, and being wrong always in ways that make only one side of the political divide look back, you'll have people add this to their 'why I hate Trump' list.  Again, propaganda is for both the weak and the willing minded.  And sometimes those two camps are the same.

Is this saying I don't believe it?  Nothing would surprise me since it's people in a fallen world.  People can be quite nasty as well as good.  Given Trump's previous statements about POWs and certain veterans that cross him, it's not off of the table.  I'm just saying that in 2020, there are only two kinds of people in the world.  There are fools, and there are those who know better than to take any news story today at face value, especially if its proof is a bunch of sources it can't reveal. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, the morning news was all over this. Little was said about it in detail, other than repeating the charges of what he said. When I found the actual article and read it, my jaw dropped. I mean, I don't believe the media anymore, and I realize just how little we actually know about the world. We know about as much as Colonials did, and that's cutting them short. There are likely entire crises going on we know nothing about, unless the press wants us to. And then, how do we know we're getting the whole truth of it?

  2. So which does the author believe in more, information garnered from the long-held journalistic practice of protecting anonymous sources or the conspiratorial assertions of trump that there are people in "dark shadows" behind the Biden campaign and planes full of unknown thugs being flown into unidentified cities? It's not the media that has the credibility problem.

    1. Lying about a liar doesn't make your lies become true by some kind of metaphysical double negative effect. It just means you're no better than him.

      And this is one of the most pathetic lies they've done since Dan Rather.

    2. You don't have to choose one or the other. It's a matter of credibility, and the press has long ago squandered that credibility. The long held practice of protecting anonymous sources is only valid if the press maintains its credibility in other areas. It has lost that credibility. Now, that doesn't mean I accept that any time someone says something Trump disagrees with it's all part of some vast anti-Trump conspiracy. But given the media's track record over the last few decades, and its naked partisanship and advocacy today, I'd be a fool to believe yet another 'we can't tell you the details, but trust us that once more something that makes the side we're against look bad is really true'.

  3. It's a rising journalistic style fashioned on the whistleblower protection theory that there's no need for the individuals to come forward, they've already said enough.


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