
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Some elementary lessons on Catholic Social Teaching

If you are on record saying this: 

Then you have no business in the universe saying this: 

There are several things wrong here. A few should be obvious. But there one issue that is crucial for the Church today. 

The pro-Trump tweet is obviously being facetious and hyperbolic (the pirate part is the big giveaway).  Mark Shea, on the other hand, makes it clear that it's better to support Biden in the real life scenario where Biden actually sexually assaulted a woman.  Not got flirty or just got a bit naughty, but full blown sexual assault. 

Beyond its obvious 'here today - gone later today' approach to principles, the modern Left operates best in the abstract and the generic.  It almost breaths in the world of sweeping generalities and cliches and soundbites and bumper sticker slogans.  Much of what it says means something else, and the rest means nothing at all.  And heaven forbid you try to pin someone down.   If you cling to such a movement, you'll begin seeing the figurative as the real sin, and the real intrinsic evil and mortal sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance as a minor point of disagreement.

When it comes to a Catholic - or any Christian - approach to social teaching, such turning morality on its head and slick, serpentine cleverness has no place.  Ours is a 'let your yes be yes and no be no' Faith.  Not an 'Honest Larry the Used Car Salesman' religion. 


  1. There's a trope called Protagonist centered Morality.

    In theory at least, one would understand that while we all see ourselves as the star of our own story, we're not really the center of it all. Unfortunately... I start to wonder if social media - whereby we all become stars of our own stories other people tune into - has twisted this. And politics is reaching the point where they play into it - "It is right because I'm doing it, I'm the protagonist."

    1. That's true. As parents, we always say the boys are in some way the stars of our stories, but it's not the other way around. To them, we're merely guest stars in the story of them. I think there is something with that. For Mark, that tendency of 'it's wrong because it wasn't me' was noticeable fairly early on. That, and his inconsistency based on favoritism, were early warning signs. It could be the Internet makes these things worse, however, and it's something for all of us to ponder.

  2. The Impoverished LastsAugust 14, 2020 at 11:41 AM

    Just when you think Shea couldn't be any more fuddled of thought.... you read what's in this post. "Guilty as hell of...." Wow.


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