
Monday, July 27, 2020

This is why I don't use Twitter

"That might work ..."
And no other sane person of goodwill should either.  Here.

I don't have an account, though I can see the spiritual, mental and moral carnage.  The reasons for not using it should be plain.  One problem is that it has reduced the capability of actual discourse. In the minds of moderns, to have a response that is more than a couple sentences is to be long-winded.  We won't even get into a couple of paragraphs worth of discourse. This has conditioned otherwise educated people to accept slogans and bumper stickers as holy writ with no explanation needed (hence BLM or Systemic Racism).  It's also drawn out the worst in humanity and almost sanctified it, which isn't hard to see by even spending ten minutes at the digital dump.

It's almost frightening that Twitter is one of the go-to sources for our modern "News Media".  Though not surprising.  Twitter has, after all, almost completely resurrected the lynch mob, the witch hunt, the book burnings, censorship, thought crimes and a revamped Master Race mentality all on one platform.  While I'm sure not all who go there fall victim to this, I can't help but notice the majority I've read end up living down to the bilge.

Bonus excerpt:
People are no longer allowed to simply exist. You must dive head-first into the meat-grinder of progress and justice, or else you are as guilty as the most despicable super-villain on Earth. We live in a post-forgiveness age. Everyone is to be treated as a superposition of the worst transgressions they have committed in their entire lives with no room for improvement or personal growth. 
How many years have I been saying we're moving toward a post-forgiveness world?  The whole leftist iconoclasm is based on increasing the number all defining unforgivable sins that apply only to the Christian West and America (and is fully endorsed by a growing number of our brave Christian leaders).  Our approach to almost anything today is the same.  As I've said, we generation of fools are about to learn the difference between a civilization founded on the highest ideals that continually fails to live up to them, and one founded on the lowest and most heinous of ideals and succeeds.


  1. As I've said, we generation of fools are about to learn the difference between a civilization founded on the highest ideals that continually fails to live up to them, and one founded on the lowest and most heinous of ideals and succeeds.

    James Lindsay in one of his talks with Joe Rogan talked about how he has come to distinguish between the religions that look "up" towards God and those that look "down" upon people. It's not fully formed yet, but I think he has a good point developing.

    1. Yep. Religions looking down upon people are certainly nothing new, or even remotely modern. In fact, that is more often the case. We seem to want to go back to the good old days, however, and get rid of this looking up to God. Perhaps because so many have abandoned the belief in God in the first place, they feel they have nothing to lose.


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