
Thursday, October 18, 2018

It looks like Peter Jackson has done a wonderful thing

He has produced a film that colorizing old footage from the First World War.  In addition, he has slowed it down.  That is, if you've seen film footage from the early 20th Century, you'll notice it is always fast, as if it's been sped up.  That's because of the development of technology in moving pictures from when it was filmed to later playback.  He has fixed that, and added realistic color so that we can see the veterans and the action as it would have looked to the real people.

Sometimes it's difficult to look at old black and white and remember that the world was as much color for them as color for us.  This could help bring back some of the humanity for that forgotten, but all important, period in our modern history.  This is the 100th anniversary of the war, and has received scant little media or popular coverage.  As we approach the 100th anniversary of when the guns fell silent, perhaps this will instill a little curiosity on the part of moderns to look back and remember, and learn, from that period in history.


  1. Thx! I'll need to get a copy when it releases to home media.

  2. I should say that while I have issues with changes to original films (not always a fan of colorizing them, SW special edition, etc), when it comes to stuff like this, I say this is a great effort - because it's not a work of art created by an artist, but history. We should always make efforts to remember our history as accurately as possible.

    1. I shudder because I think of the old Turner colorizing. But when I saw this, it looks natural. It almost looks like a modern movie done about WWI. Apparently it solved the problem of the Speed by literally having computers 'add' frames based on the separate frames in the film. That gives it the impression of being smoother. Also, they got forensic experts to read the lips of the soldiers, and then found speakers from the respective regions to dub the dialogue the lip-readers were able to provide. All in all, a splendid bit of work from Jackson.


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