
Saturday, September 22, 2018

And now back to the fantastic Patheos boycott

Because there are many blogs where I can remember a deceased human being and not be plagued by readers coming in to insult and tarnish the individual for daring to not be liberal.  Yep.  Of the different blogs I saw pay tribute to Zippy, there was only one where readers felt the need to crap on his name for failing to worship at the altar of the political Left. Not all readers there did, and several put up a worthy defense of the deceased Zippy.  Most did the right thing by merely offering prayers and tributes to the man.

Though it's worth noting that at no time did the blog host step in to set the record straight.  Which is consistent.  There is no blaspheme, heresy, mortal sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance, intrinsic evil, bigotry, debauchery, slaughter of innocents or anti-Christian tyranny that can't be advocated at CAEI with impunity as long as you pay the fee of hating on Trump, the GOP and all American religious conservatives.  And the ones trashing Zippy the loudest are some of the most vocal advocates of the new Communism and all its glorious hatred of the historical Christian world.  Thank goodness I won't have to go there again.


  1. Glad not to be the only one who was disgusted with that thread. Shea does nothing, yet calls himself a friend. It's hard to think I used to visit patheos every day.

    1. Heh, I had a blog there for a bit. I got out of there because Mark is just par for the course with many of the blogs.

    2. I saw those comments, and it strikes me that Mark would probably like to set some of those people straight, but is afraid to. The left can't take the smallest amount of criticism. You tell them it's wrong to crap on someone's grave and you best watch your back. Conservatives on the other hand... well, we're used to it.

    3. Mark has quite a following of progressives who delight in his whole 'the conservative who hates everything conservatives ever were, but loves the left' act. I doubt he will be too quick to rock the boat. The only time he steps in is if one gets to close to attacking Pope Francis, or something similar. Other than that, the sky is the limit as to what he'll allow from the Left.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is this the same Karen who felt the need to trash Zippy or another?

    (And did she delete herself or did Dave? I've always wondered which "author" wa sbeing referred to.)

    1. Don't know. She has a blog. Don't know if Karen at CAEI does. She deleted the comment, though.

    2. You might want to post an update that Shea did eventually step in.

    3. He did. He says she was shown the door. I've thought about it. But then, again, I though of the fact that that's pure Mark. For all the horrible, sexist, hateful, partisan bilge she has written, Mark has ignored her, or even cheered her on. But she does it to his friend and it's 'she's outa here.' To simply say he deleted her somehow misses that larger picture.


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