
Saturday, September 29, 2018

A warning to high school and college students of America

You are being watched.  Anything you do, anything you say, anything you write, can at any time for the rest of your life be used against you.  Whether college or even back to your youngest high school days (and maybe earlier?), you are under scrutiny.  If you deviate from a path that even Plymouth puritans would find rigid, it will haunt you.  Animal House is dead.  Ridgemont High is destroyed.  Even Plymouth itself can't maintain these standards.  Be perfect as God is perfect, or in America today, and likely for the future, you can be destroyed.  Take that land of the free.


  1. Man, I don't think I've seen the Dems this ready to believe flimsy rape accusations since Scottsboro.

    1. Heh. Yep. The Democrats have always been the party that offers to protect Americans from those Americans over there. When it became no longer expedient to hang it on blacks, they just changed the labels and made it WASPs.

  2. What really gets me is the number of people saying things like "Sure, he probably didn't do it, but that anger and belligerence seems a bit much." So here we have (to borrow a phrase from Clarence Thomas) a hi-tech lynching in progress, and instead of standing up to the mob, people are standing around and tutting about how the intended victim is showing more emotion than is seemly? It's just absurd.

    1. Yeah, that's become one of the macro-narratives: look at how horrible he was and how wonderful Dr. Ford was. Must be because of a man/woman thing. That she was praised and worshiped more than Jesus on Sunday, while he spent a week with the national press, the Democrats, leftist pundits and even a few Republicans calling him an evil mass murderer wannabe racist, who now is also a serial rapist sex pervert whose career and family more or less deserves what they get, seems lost on them.


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