
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Three basic reactions to the Death Penalty change

1. There is no change.  It's development of doctrine.  It's tweaking a bit, but it's the same.  Church teaching can't change.  Therefore it is no change.

2. It's not change, but it's more than development of doctrine.  It's based on the obvious changes in the world from years ago.  Because our modern systems can prevent crime, now we don't need the death penalty.  Or, in a different variation, the death penalty in the US is a farce, the other primary capital punishment countries aren't great examples anyway, let's ditch the death penalty.

3. Thank goodness it changed!  Now it can get busy and start changing some other teachings, like those that deal with sex and sex stuff.

Rod Dreher looks at number three


  1. It's shockingly easy to show that Papal infallibility and supremacy are not only idolatrous, but nonsensical. Thanks to Pope Francis, it's getting even easier by the day. The Protestants were revolutionaries who justly rebelled against a corrupt bishop who had become an anti-Christ of sorts, and as G.K. Chesterton once noted, revolutionaries are almost always right about the problem and wrong about the solution. I'm sorry, but the apocalypse that the Roman Church is undergoing is a well-deserved, self-inflicted wound brought on by centuries of ever-increasing worship and obedience of a man falsely claiming to be not only the successor of St. Peter, but also a replacement for Christ as the Head of the Church. Contrary nondenials and theological/historical psychobabble aside, this is the truth of the matter.

    The "Supreme" Roman Pontiff will in short order oppose faithful Christians in the so-called culture wars and bring the full force of the Roman institution down upon us. We who joined the Catholic Church from a Protestant background (myself included) bear part of the blame for not seeing the obvious. It seems we've both made it to Orthodox Christianity, fortunately, so my advice is to buckle-in, rescue as many as the Holy Spirit enables you, and don't look back. The full terror of this unveiling of Rome's anti-Christian wickedness has barely even begun.

  2. There's a saying that I think just about all Christians can agree with - regardless of denomination: "Preach Christ at all times. When necessary, use words."

    For Catholics we might adjust it to: "What would people assume is the Catechism from watching you? How accurate would they be?"


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