
Friday, August 3, 2018

Speaking of the Left's beloved racism

So The New York Times has hired a bona-fide white hating racist Harvard Grad (well done Harvard!).  That's right.  She speaks of whites in ways reminiscent of Goebbels or in ways one might hear at a KKK rally.  She hates them and is proud of her hate. 

Remember Solzhenitsyn.  Just because the West gave up its imperial holdings doesn't mean other cultures or civilizations are willing to let bygones be bygones.  It certainly doesn't mean there is no idiocy behind liberalism's assertions that only the West had such things as racism, sexism, bad slavery and bad genocide.  Forgiveness was a mandate in Christianity.  Most of the rest of the world, and most of the secular West, reserves the right to jettison all notions of forgiveness or reconciliation when it sees fit.

Why we don't see the glaring problem with turning a blind eye to such hate is a level of dumb I can't comprehend.  I don't fear that liberals and the rest of us are going to learn horrible lessons as a result of the modern dumb.  I fear it will be out posterity who pay the price for our socially sanctioned idiocy.

UPDATE:  I didn't bother looking at the comments until now.  The only thing more atrocious than the flagrant racism is the numerous commentators defending it.  Most popular defense: Racism and the hatred of people based on race is only bad if you have the power to do something about it.  Since, I guess, if you don't have power now, you never will, so no big deal.  The level of dumb in our society reminds us that in a thousand years, we will be compared to the peasant of the middle ages and likely found wanting.


  1. Racism is always ok when it is against white people. Preferably a)old white men. B) CONSERVATIVE C)Christian liberal logic

    1. There seems to be a trend. As I say, the Left is teaching us that racism is, in fact, a good thing. You just have to get the right skin color, or religion, or national origin. It's just amazing how many Christians are following along. Though it's not as if they haven't done that throughout the age.

  2. Most popular defense: Racism and the hatred of people based on race is only bad if you have the power to do something about it.

    Wait, I'm confused: isn't a major newspaper precisely the sort of organisation where one can disseminate one's beliefs widely, i.e., to "do something about" them?

    1. Good point. Just what defines having the power to do something about it?


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