
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

When I hear the growing drumbeat for war with Russia

All in the name of defeating Trump at all costs (even the odd mushroom cloud here or there), I think of nothing so much as this:

I mean it.  Given our weekly dose of ginned up mob hysterics, culminating in the last 24 hours' worth of proclamations of our war with Russia (missed that one in the news), all while ignoring other countries that have done the same thing but with whom we are not at war, I can't help but think we've somehow reached terminal velocity whereby whipped up lynch mobs are concerned.

This yearning for a new Cold War is beyond the most ridiculous caricatures of old warmongering conservative patriots from back in the day.  And what's worse, it's happening from the press all the way to Washington.  If you want war, then say so.  Because clearly what is happening has nothing to do with the big picture, the whole truth, or the slightest iota of consistency.

UPDATE: I should add that I think there is serious criticism due for how Trump handled himself, how he opted to throw his own country under the bus, and how he insisted that Russia never heard of such as thing as coming after our elections.  I know, the Left adored Gorbachev in the day, blamed the US over the USSR, and insisted Russia was no big deal as recently as 2012.  Nonetheless, criticisms of Trump are at least justified IMHO.  That doesn't mean, however, that this mad dash for war with Russia just to get Trump is anything less than both stupid and evil, if not downright treasonous in its own way.


  1. As they say...

    Boy who cried wolf. After too much panic, nobody is listening any more.

    1. It's as if they want war now that it's convenient and they think they can use it against Trump.


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