
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

To make America Socialist

Remember how liberals used to mock conservatives who said there was a desire to push America toward Socialism?  I give you this story.  The joy and euphoria in the article are palpable.

Young people in America, by greater numbers than ever, are embracing Socialism as the wave of the future.  That's because of a couple things.  First, it's what they've been taught in schools, colleges, in the media, or society in general.  Second, let's face it, the Market hasn't exactly been kind to everyone over the last few decades.  Those who are 'middle class' today are nowhere near as well off as those who were considered 'middle class' forty years ago.  And combined with the poorer segments of society, that's an awfully big hunk of Americans who can no longer take their kids to Disneyland or even buy a new car, much less afford things like major medical expenses and retirement.

Back in the day, a local father could work in the meat counter at an independent grocery store, and the mother could work as a secretary, while affording a spacious three bedroom ranch on about a 3/4 acre plot of land, and also send their two kids to college, and happily retire.  I have news for you.  Today, a father working at a grocery store with a wife who is a secretary (administrative assistant) will likely not be living in a spacious three bedroom ranch on 3/4 of an acre, much less sending their kids to college or coming close to having a decent retirement.

Unfortunately, for some conservatives that became the Law of the Market.  Sorry about your luck.  The Market is as the Market is.  Even as some necessary expenses, like healthcare, became debilitating and almost assured that a growing segment of the population would likely experience bankruptcy, even if they had insurance, from a major health crisis, 'the Market is as the Market is' was the mantra.  Other expenses have followed in the healthcare costs footsteps.  Not to mention that many of the corporate leaders themselves are far from 'Capitalist/Free Market' advocates.  One can almost believe that they purposefully used their station to torpedo the market by making it look bad.

But for whatever reason, a growing segment of the population came into America where healthcare costs were through the roof, prices far outpaced wages, quality and quantity were declining in kind, and necessities like college and retirement were becoming a pipe dream.  The Left seized upon this to blame everything on Satan's economic theory (Capitalism), while,  unfortunately, you had loud advocates  of the Market continue with 'We're sorry, but it's the Law of the Market, you should have striven for the acquisition of financial gain to the exclusion of any other conceivable priority.  As it is, you don't got it, you don't get it.'

It's a little like someone telling you your father is a horrible person, and your father answering by hitting you with a club while insisting it's not true.  Therefore, we have this:

Once again the Left is proud and ecstatic about what it once said would never happen.  Just like it said it would never punish people over gay rights.  Your best bet?  If the Left says 'We'll never do such a thing in a million years', understand what they really mean is that they have every intention of doing it within ten years or less.


  1. Mark Shea today outed himself as a Social Democrat. That is almost as shocking as announcing water is wet LOL

    1. Interesting. Did he do that on FB, or his blog?

    2. He posted in on his facebook page.

    3. This might come as a shock, but he long ago banned me from his FB page, so I can't see it, though it would seem to only confirm what his writing suggests. He's certainly an open supporter of the Democrats and Democratic party.

    4. He bans anyone who even has the slightest different opinion. All the lefty Catholic apologists have quite the echo chamber going on their pages

    5. I notice they tend to have a short fuse when it comes to tolerating non-conformity; the more left you get the less open you are.

  2. I like to say that of course capitalism isn't perfect - it involves humans. But it's a lot like marriage and just because there are some faults here and there, doesn't mean the whole thing is bad. Likewise, a lot of complaints about capitalism nowadays strike as similar to complaints about marriage: the institution itself is blamed for faults inflicted by outside parties (i.e. no fault divorce/tuition prices).


    Back in the day, a local father could work in the meat counter at an independent grocery store, and the mother could work as a secretary, while affording a spacious three bedroom ranch on about a 3/4 acre plot of land, and also send their two kids to college, and happily retire. I have news for you.

    One of the problems is that 'back in the day' was after WW2 - where every other country which had the possibility of a competitive economy was either blown up from the war - or deciding to become communist (aka "forfeiting"). When your economy is the only one left standing - of course anybody and everybody can get rich easy. Now with everyone catching up, Americans have to either just accept that we won't have the wide margins of success we used to - or we're going to have to have another war and go blow up the competitors.

    you had loud advocates of the Market continue with 'We're sorry, but it's the Law of the Market, you should have striven for the acquisition of financial gain to the exclusion of any other conceivable priority. As it is, you don't got it, you don't get it.'

    I will also point out that this was more often the strawmen or words the Left was shoving into people's mouths than any real argument. Though yes, there are some people out there who will work as hard as they can to the exclusion of anything else. So... what? Is there a point they should be made to stop working? Or not be paid? Like my daddy says, everything in life is a trade off. You trade some things for families, and some times family for things. I say let each man (woman etc) find the price that suits him.

    1. Also someone once pointed out - I forget where, TAC maybe? - that there is a system where if people have large number of kids, certain things come together to keep costs low - whereas these systems fall apart and raise costs if people have fewer children.

      I hadn't heard of this before or studied it but I think there's a potentially fascinating study there for economists and it could hold up.

    2. One of the problems is that 'back in the day' was after WW2 - where every other country which had the possibility of a competitive economy was either blown up from the war - or deciding to become communist (aka "forfeiting"). When your economy is the only one left standing - of course anybody and everybody can get rich easy. Now with everyone catching up, Americans have to either just accept that we won't have the wide margins of success we used to - or we're going to have to have another war and go blow up the competitors.

      I don't know; here in the UK we have a similar situation re: the difficulty of supporting a family, and the country was in a pretty bad shape after WW2.

    3. Oh, I get all that. I don't disagree. But the problem is, marriages sometimes end in divorce if problems aren't dealt with, and fault not admitted to. We can have all the reasons and rationale against something like Socialism that we can muster. But the fact is, a growing segment of the American economy - and its kids - is falling behind. No matter what they do, or how hard they work, they simply can't provide the way their ancestors used to. Some things, like why in the world college costs are through the roof, could be looked at separately. But it's not just the simple 'low wages'. It's drops in quality, quantity; companies cutting back on benefits, sitting on raises, doing what they can to give the least for the most, making it clear the well-being of Americans or America or anyone is of little concern to them - while those at the top of the heap are raking in the profits like no other time before. All of this, no matter how justified, is leaving people - especially young'uns - with a bad taste in their mouths. My own boys are in no way pro-Socialist. But they also spend no little amount of time jabbing at notions of Capitalism or the free market just the same. And that's with them having been schooled where I've told them for all its problems, it is still better than other options thus far advocated. Imagine what kids taught in our schools and immersed in our culture say.

  3. Approximately half of our income goes to taxes. And regulation and licensing each just about doubles the cost of living. This basically means that government imposes an eightfold increase in cost of living.

    College costs have historically increased to match increases in financial aid. The increased revenue has kept going to administration.

    Lord, send a revival!

    1. True, true. I wonder about the college costs, and why we never hear any big press stories unpacking where the money goes.


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