
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Stupid Gun Control Memes

Memes, on the whole, make you stupid.  I'm sorry.  Every now and then one comes through that makes a fair point with wit and cleverness, but usually it's more like this:

Add the tendency of memes to the typical vacancy of too many Gun Control activists, and it's a poisonous combination of rage and dumb.

The answer to the meme's question is glaringly obvious.  Only an idiot, an illiterate person, or someone who cares not a whit about facts or reality would ponder this.  I don't need to point out why it's stupid.  Anyone with the ability to turn on an electronic device and find this page can see it.

That Mark and others think they just nailed a Cicero and have brought gun rights activists to their knees is emblematic of Gun Control's glaring problems.  All rage, no common sense.


  1. One could zing Shea with the latest hypocrisy of gun control folks, involving priest-activist Fr. Pfleger in Chicago. Think Shea will do a piece on this? And if you were to use Shea's tactics, you would use this to accuse every gun control person of the same.

  2. If you're going to fight to limit people's ability to defend themselves, the least you can do is not defend yourself in the same way.

  3. Never mind that guns are often stolen. Never mind that the case was not about selling the cake, but decorating it. An artist was being hired on commission pretty much.

    1. The reasons why the meme is stupid are truly legion. It's bad enough that someone composed that and thought they had a winner. That others ran with it as if it makes any sense or has anything to do with reality is even more problematic.

  4. All rage and no common sense. That is the best description of the Democrat apologist Mark Shea I have ever heard.

    1. I'd say the the problem is that this is increasingly SOP for those defending progressive ideals.


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