
Friday, June 1, 2018

If I understand Fr. James Martin

Apparently he is saying that anyone should be able to work at the American Bible Society:

See that?  It's like the Book of Acts was never written.  Why, how can you possibly think homosexuality is wrong, or insist Christians be part of your Christian ministry, without having to bar King David or Abraham from the table?  Isn't it all the same?  Did anything big happen between the time of Esau and now?  And sin?  Why we're all sinners, so how can we have standards?  Let practicing homosexuals in.  Let serial adulterers in.  Let racists in.  Child molesters.  Murderers.  I suppose.  Maybe those last ones are going too far.   It's hard to tell.  Perhaps he's just bending and twisting to allow for the LGBTQ community, and not thinking about the long term ramifications.  That happens when trying to pound the square peg of Leftist heresies into the round hole of a Christian model of Creation.

But such are the attempts to cozy up to the greatest heresy since Arianism.  LGBTQ acceptance is merely an extension of that heresy.  But the heresy itself is a denial of Jesus the Christ.  If, to Arius, Christ was the Logos, albeit not co-eternal with the Father, then how much more is the heresy that denies Jesus even existed, or at best was merely an obscure traveling preacher who looked like John Lennon and was executed for his efforts, after which he rotted into the fabricated myth and legend as some Christ of Faith?

And yet that is the cornerstone of the modern Left, and everything - its theories of the universe and its origins, the origin of man, human morality, soteriology, ethics and morality - are all founded on that heretical pronouncement.  So what can you do?  Well, do what Fr. Martin and a growing number of Christians giving up the fight must do.  Appeal to anything, no matter how ludicrous, and hope that either we're too ignorant to care, or too lazy to care.  All the while, of course, ignoring the fact that while we imagine such tactics will somehow convert the Left, it is the Left that is actively and militantly working to convert the Faithful.  And, if I may say so, doing a bang-up job.


  1. You left an 's' off the title (JAME martin)

    Anyway technically speaking...

    "Multiple wives" is not in the requirements, it's "sexual activity OUTSIDE of heterosexual marriage." By that requirement, David would be in trouble (he wasn't married to Bathsheba at the time) but the others were married to their wives. (well let's set aside Jacob and his wive's servants for the moment)

    All the while, of course, ignoring the fact that while we imagine such tactics will somehow convert the Left, it is the Left that is actively and militantly working to convert the Faithful. And, if I may say so, doing a bang-up job.

    That's chilling in its accuracy. And a good line.

    1. I reckon even David would be OK, if he applied after he repented of his adultery. I'd be very surprised if the American Bible Society excludes anybody who's ever had sex outside of marriage from working there, as opposed to just people who are presently living lives of habitual fornication.

    2. You bring up an interesting point regarding repentance. Notice it is barely in the conversation today, whether about identity politics, or about the sins of the Left. If you are or were a racist, then racist you forever are. Sexist too I suppose. There just isn't an emphasis on repentance. Likewise, while there some vague talk of people who are gay somehow being devout, there is scant little talk about their need to repent. It's as if that little part of our faith has dropped by the wayside, one way or another.


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