
Friday, June 8, 2018

I didn't know Jesus was all about race

Apparently, per Fr. James Martin, these last centuries have been a bummer for Jesus since He obviously would feel more welcome with people of his own supposed skin color.  No, really:

The idea that Jesus would feel more welcome around one skin color versus another should, most charitably, be seen as stupidity.  More appropriately it should be called heresy.  Nonetheless, Fr. Martin is a darling of the Christian Left, the New Prolife Catholic movement, and, of course, the modernist world at large.  So it will go unnoticed, ignored, or once again we'll have to adjust the doctrines of the Faith to conform to the latest, hippest, and acknowledge that it's not the content of our character, but the color of our skin that makes the difference.


  1. Leftists tend to be as obsessed with race as a member
    of the KKK circa 1867.

    1. I wonder if people, in their most racist, would have assumed Jesus would prefer the company of people who were white? It's like we're taking all the worst of the past and adding to it.

  2. "The black-brown face of Jesus"? Assuming the ancient Jews looked similar to the modern-day inhabitants of the Middle East, Jesus would surely have had olive skin.

    1. Yeah, we won't even go over this idea that Jesus looked like someone from Sub-Saharan Africa. It's enough that Fr. Martin suggests Jesus would have cared in the first place.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. All these Catholic Leftist authors are the same. Very little Catholicism and a lot of Democrat party talking points.

    1. I can't help but say that increasingly, there is little Catholicism talked about by too many Catholic leaders. Politics and social polities and theories, tons. But Catholicism? Not so much.


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