
Friday, May 18, 2018

The New York Times does Jordan Peterson

And shows the continued inability of the Left to engage in meaningful dialogue.  Right from the start, the editorial's tagline is this:
"He says there’s a crisis in masculinity. Why won’t women — all these wives and witches — just behave?"
It goes down from there.  The Left's insistence that if you don't conform to leftist same-think, you're either a moron or a Nazi is one of the most poisonous developments in recent years.  It has injected vitriol and hate into social interactions at almost unprecedented levels, at least in modern times.  I mean, people will go to the mattresses over almost anything today.  The slightest deviation from Leftist dogmas, the smallest disagreement, becomes a conflict between good and evil, light and darkness, Luke and Vader.  Because when everything is nothing other than hero (me) vs. villain (you), what other choice do I have?

Of course Peterson, as far as I know, never calls women witches or says they 'must behave'.  In an example of another Leftist trait, that's what we call projection.  Because the Left, riding the wave of post-modern feminism, has already convinced us that it's OK for women to tell men to sit down, shut up and suck on it.  After all, it's enough that a woman accuses a man, must we struggle with evidence and presumption of innocence?  They're rapist men after all!  And men grovel and say 'Amen!'. 

But the Left ever looks in the mirror and concludes the image must be someone else.  Plus, why bother with debate when we can label anyone who dare blaspheme the gospel of the political Left as a misogynistic-psycho-Nazi?  Just go to almost any leftist blog at Patheos and you'll see the same.  Start with assumptions of intellectual superiority, move to childish insults and name calling, and then when all else fails, plunge forward with grave accusations of hate and evil, bigotry and sexism.  It's the modern playbook for debate across the Leftist landscape.

Forshame Gray Lady, you do your reputation, what little is left, a disservice with this sort of infantile twattle.


  1. One thing I've been thinking about on Peterson is when will he lose the mainstream popularity he has gained. When does his insight get old for the general public and he falls back into academic obscurity?
    That's probably the best these leftists could hope for. For him to talk himself into being irrelevant (again, in regards to mainstream audience concerns).
    But the left is either too dumb or too proud to figure out the game. Because they lure Peterson into these formats where they try to mock and expose his views but all it actually does is exposes the depravity of the left's views.

    And when it ends Peterson walks away looking like a paragon of rational, patient thought against the backdrop of liberal emotional hysterics. All the while allowing more fence sitters to descry the flimsiness of the liberal position.

    1. So far, his greatest asset has been as a a contrast to what now passes as reasoned debate. I try to explain to my sons that the arguments you see in the news, even from contributing academics, would have earned you a C- if you were lucky back in the day.


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