
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Don't ever trust liberalism

Ever.  So it turns out one of the most respected, admired, beloved and celebrated actors of the modern era - Morgan Freeman - has fallen to the Handmaid's Inquisition.  At a time when women are overtaking men in almost every category, never have they presented themselves more strongly as hapless victims whose accusation is law, sentencing to commence immediately.

If the story is accurate, Mr. Freeman is guilty of doing - what everyone was doing decades ago, complements of liberalism's bold tearing down of old, stale puritanical notions of sex.  It was grab and grope everyone!  Girls, too.  I remember a female student my freshman year of college who had this serious fetish for running around and grabbing guys in the back of their fronts.  That doesn't count what I heard girls and women talk about over the years in ways that would make George Carlin blush.  It was the thing.  No respect, no rules, no manners.  Those are for losers.  We're about the drugs, the sex, the parties, the groping, the porn, the jokes, the humor, the orgies - anything we wanted.

Well, that was so yesterday's liberalism.  Just like women accusing men of sexual harassment were heroic victims, or lying whores and trailer park trash, or heroic victims again.  You just can't keep up with liberalism.  As I've said before, liberalism has a definite 'here today, gone later today' approach to almost every ethic or moral standard.  Conform to it at your own risk.  Tomorrow, you might be the next target of the liberal witch hunt.  Not because you didn't follow liberalism's latest enlightened principles, but because you did follow them.



    I've long believed that the biggest threat to liberalism was from its true believers.

    1. That reminds me of an old Donahue show where parents (Boomers) were complaining that their teenagers were - shock! - rebelling against them.


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