
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Don't blame Trump for Roseanne's Tweet

Please.  Just stop.  Stop with this whole 'Trump made our society vulgar and rude, sexist and bigoted.'   Here, here and here.  To name just a few.

The Democrats, in bed with the press and Hollywood, played the Good Cop/Bad Cop for decades.  Let the comedians, entertainers and pundits crawl in the dirt and get rude, vulgar - heck even racist and sexist.   Drop all the F-Bombs, genital humor, vulgarities, racist and sexist insults you can muster, while we take the high road!  The Democrats, while willing to socialize and high-five those bastions of bathroom humor and bigotry, nonetheless took the high road under that classic proverb 'the buck never got here.'

That's why so many went ahead and voted for Trump.  Trump was nothing other than our society had become.  There is nothing Trump has done or said that we hadn't heard cheered on and laughed about for years.  The idea that it's only wrong when it doesn't benefit liberalism is something many felt had passed its sell by date. So they voted for a man who was as bad as the worst that was thrown at them for decades.  If conservatives weren't better than Jesus, the press would rip into them and tear them to pieces.   But the Good Cop/Bad Cop and 'here today, gone later today' approach of the Left allowed anything and everything to be said against those who don't conform to the Left, no matter how rude, vulgar and even bigoted.

I'm not saying I agree with the decision to fight fire with fire. To me, the only thing that happens there is that we all get burned.  Nonetheless, please stop with the stupid, lying, wrong, false, unreal fantasy world in which America was a nation of polite and mature discourse until Donald Trump made everything bad.  For better or worse, Trump merely caught up with what modern liberal America had declared hilariously appropriate for decades.  He just aimed it back at the Left and its defenders - hence the outrage.


  1. He just aimed it back at the Left and its defenders - hence the outrage.

    Yep. That's what a lot on the right have realized. They're just like most bullies: it's not hitting itself they have a problem with, it's hitting them.

    1. Or you might say it's not bullying itself they have a problem with, it's bullying them. It can be quite a long list actually.


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