
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

RIP Bob Dorough

Who?  This is who:


Among others.  Those two, of course, are the most famous of his creations.  Yes, he was the talent behind those snappy tunes that were as educational as anything the American education system has produced.  

Let's face it, how many of us learned more about how our government works from that bill on the steps of Capital Hill than anything from civics class?  And in a pinch trying to remember conjunctions?  I dare anyone to keep that tune out of their minds for long. 

Naturally Schoolhouse Rock, like all things, has fallen under scrutiny over the years, especially the category dealing with American history, which I've seen called racist propaganda, raw nationalistic preaching and simplistic sentimentality devoid of the harsh truths about our history (read: focusing exclusively on the negatives).  

But for those who get it and feel it's the height of foolishness not to learn about the greatness of our country, along with grammar, math and science, there were few better instructional paths into our living rooms than the Rock.  And Mr. Dorough was one of the creative geniuses behind it all. 

We thank him for a generation taught the basics, taught that learning can be enjoyable, and taught that there is a way to learn outside of the confines of a classroom.  He and the talents he possessed will be missed, even if his creations live on. 

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. 


  1. Awww man. The world seems a poorer place now. :(

    One wonders what it might have been like had we gotten this guy, Bob Ross, Mr. Rogers on a podcast together to talk about their efforts. They were a kind that you could tell loved what they did.

    Fare thee well, sir, we shall not see your like again soon.

  2. He will sorely be missed.

    I enjoyed his short commercials & I did learn from them greatly.

    May he be enjoying the Beatific Vision of our Lord.


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