
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Just when you thought White Privilege was the big problem of the ages

George Washington University tackles that all important issue of "Christian Privilege."  Of course there would be such a thing, just as there would be 'privilege' for any majority represented demographic in any society, in history or in the world today.   

This would be the same university, incidentally, that produced a fine lecture on how slavery, on the whole, might not always be morally wrong.  FWIW, I find no problem with the lecture itself.  If people want to discuss the complexities of history and values, I'm fine.  I have a tremendous problem with trying to use such reasoning to pen in the Christian and Western tradition as if they, alone, are guilty and everyone else is off the hook.

Naturally this all fits in the modernist 'if it ain't White and ain't Christian, it ain't necessarily evil' template of moral revisionism.   As my boys said during the great Torture Debates of some years ago, torture can't be intrinsically evil.  That would mean it's always wrong.  They specifically learned that when some cultures, such as Native Americans, practiced torture, it was just 'their thing.'  Unlike such issues in the Western tradition, which were always presented as the worst and most evil developments imaginable. Therefore, it can't always be wrong.

We were told by Christ that the world would hate us.  We shouldn't be surprised.  We were not - repeat, NOT - told by Christ that the world would hate Him because of all those other Christians over there who aren't as righteous as me.

I know.  We're not at full blown persecution yet.  Yet.  But if we continue along the trajectory we are going?  I find it hard to believe that any sane person can possibly deny that, not only will America cease to be a free country by any logical sense of the word, but certain people will be singled out if they fail to conform.

For my part, I pray more Christians come together, not to fight, but to resist.  If nothing else, for the sake of our posterity.  If suffering for the Gospel is something we're not afraid of, there are plenty of places in the world where it can be accomplished.  I suggest those who see martyrdom as a boon to the Faith go there and inspire by example.  Otherwise, don't inflict upon generations not yet born a burden we, ourselves, have no intention of shouldering.

If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.

John 15.18-20


  1. I assume there will be the typical SJW railing against the "Patriarchy". One wonders who the target is here.? I suspect that the ultimate target is God the Father himself.

    1. I think it's becoming clear that the target goes well beyond conservative this or American that. In the end, all roads seem to lead back to the Faith.


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