
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Mark Shea defends and praises George Soros

Declaring criticisms of Soros by conservatives the stuff of lies and evil which, to Mark, the captain of the Calumny for Christ brigade, is about all that exists  to the right of the political center.  I was going to go into some detail, trying to express my continued shock at the depth to which Mark is sinking into those things he once declared an affront to goodness, truth and the Gospel, but why bother?  Here is Mark, 2010, pinning Soros for what Soros is, not praising him, as Mark now does:

Speaking of the Soros payroll, you got your Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good disappearing without a trace now that their only real mission—snookering suckers into thinking that supporting a guy who favors sticking scissors in a baby’s brain is some glorious expression of Catholic social teaching—is accomplished. Being a wholly-owned subsidiary of George Soros, they were, in fact, as real a Catholic social teaching apostolate as a Potemkin Village is a real city.  Mark Shea, 2010.

Compare to yesterday:

Yeah, Soros is wrong about abortion like every other lefty. But then, he’s Jewish, not Catholic, and his tradition has never taught him to believe what the Church teaches. But with regard to the rest, he seems to be doing a reasonable job with his wealth, which is more than you can say for many billionaires.  Mark Shea, 2018.

Yeah, abortion and all.  You know.  Stuff and things.  That's it.  So abortion is now just one of those things, especially if you're not Catholic.  Wrong maybe, but no big deal unless you're Catholic?  The New Prolife Movement in action.


  1. Do yourself a favor David and ignore Mark Shea, his sidekick Scott " I agree with everything the left does and says but don't you dare call me a leftist" Alt. They are not worth the time. They are not Catholic apologists but Democrat party apologists

    1. I actually don't visit there, but get emails or FB links, mostly from that legion of people known as 'those who Mark has banned.' I know far less about Scott. I typically post the more dangerous or egregious things that could either lead people astray, or give weight to those who would attack the Faith or promote sin - which Mark's blog has become a staple for in recent months. Someday may it might even make its way back to Mark.

  2. Scott has his own facebook page and blog as well. I used to like his writings a few years back but he decided he wasn't making enough headway in the blogosphere as a conservative so he took a really hard turn left and hitched his wagon to Mark Shea and basically is his number 1 defender. Shea is just unbelievably boorish and rude and I blocked him years ago. The only time I see anything from him is if his name is mentioned on Catholic blogs.

    1. Understood. Mark actually banned me last year from his blog/FB page. Again, I mostly just take what people send me, and then only post when I see something that is dangerous to the Faith/Faithful - such as not only defending a major culture of death proponent like Soros, but attacking those who, like Mark c. 2010, are troubled by Soros and Catholics who defend him.

  3. One has to wonder what happened. Perhaps the explanation offered above for Scott alt might also be applicable to Shea- being a "conservative" Catholic blogger won't get you far these days, money-wise certainly. Perhaps Shea converted not to historical Catholicism but to a shell of such and it wore off over time? Perhaps he goes with whatever the way the ecclesiastical winds are blowing?

    1. Hard to say. I don't like to speculate as if I've counseled him. I have my guesses, but I keep them at that. In any event it was a long time coming. I can remember certain moments where I thought "Well, that was loony" because of something he wrote. I remember the first time I saw him mention Simcha Fisher, and shortly after that he changed toward certain feminism issues. Then when he moved to Patheos. But even by around 2012 he was being just as boisterous in his attacks on the worst of the Left. It was sometime around 2014/15 that he just jumped ship and not only declared total war on everything to the right of center, but then became an apologist, if somewhat passively, for everything left of center, even if it is those sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance. Now, over the last year, he is finishing the journey by literally calling good what he once called evil, and evil what he once called good. I just try to post in the off chance that someone might stumble by and see that one doesn't need to agree with Mark's politics or receive Mark's blessings to be saved.

    2. David you are correct here. Shea always goes to great lengths (when I read him years ago) to demonize anything and anyone on the right in the most vile and uncharitable terms but I have NEVER once seem him condemn abortion ever. If someone is pro choice I remember reading from him much like what you said "Well that is not for me to pass judgment blah blah blah". I really have no time for people who pretend to be one point of view while embracing another. Mark Shea, Scott Eric Alt and others on the left do that. They claim to be conservative but support everything liberal while denying it. ZERO respect for people like that.

    3. Sadly, Mark is now mostly what he once condemned. He once condemned those who started with 'I'm really just a so-and-so', and then went on to demonstrate they weren't. But then most of what Mark does and says nowadays is just what Mark warned about all those years ago.


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