
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Why the Democrats should not be trusted

By Mark Shea, c. 2008.  Tell me what has changed for Mark to have become one of the Democratic Party's loudest cheerleaders within Catholicism today. Interesting what a difference 10 years make.

Update.  Case in point: (Mark, today):


  1. I think in 2008 Shea was going along with the way the ecclesiastical winds were blowing. Now, under Francis, he can show his true colors. We have it straight from the horse's mouth that Shea is little more than a leftist political hack than any Catholic apologist.

    1. The worst part about Mark's site isn't his obvious swing to the Left. It's that his entire ministry is based on hate, and pardoning, excusing, deflecting or dismissing the manifold sins of the Left (or anyone, for that matter), purely on the basis of hating all who Mark hates. It's like some unnatural corruption of true ministries of the Gospel.

  2. Isn't it funny how nobody wanted to get rid of light trucks after that sicko went Jihadi on the bike path in NYC? Or how nobody demands that we revoke the drivers licenses of everybody over 70 after the all-too-frequent senior citizen steps on the accelerator instead of the brake and innocent bystander(s) get run over story?

    Why is that?

    1. There's about 20,000 things that kill people more frequently that scarcely makes the back page of the paper. Not that I'd do what it took to stop such killings if it actually worked and didn't make things better. I think everyone would be happy never seeing such a thing again. But you must wonder just how badly to activists and media pundits really care about the carnage, when they ignore so much of it.


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