
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Or we could rush out and politicize Las Vegas as quickly as possible

As demonstrated here.  FWIW, most news outlets and, with a few notable exceptions, most politicians have withheld the obligatory making of political hay while the blood shines. 

But some, unfortunately including Catholics, can see nothing other than the 'Us v. Them' partisanship that is ripping society apart.  And it's not even Catholics vs. Everyone, but partisanship based on political theories, policies, agendas and ideals - your relationship with Jesus being irrelevant.

I have no idea what motivated this shooter.  From what I can tell, nobody has.  Including those who know what facts are known. 

But for those who see this as a way to preemptively condemn others, while bodies lie dead in hospitals and loved ones are frantic to learn the fate of those who have gone before, the reactions are telling.  I think it demonstrates a level of political pornography that we increasingly seize upon such events in order to immediately objectify as many human beings as possible, if only for our own ideological gain.


  1. I'd be much more inclined to listen to these people if they could account for the existing laws that were broken before whatever new ones are passed. Because if we're having enforcement troubles now, what makes anyone think new laws will do squat?

    1. This time there seems to be some pushback on the usual gun control memes, pointing out which ones are actually worth anything, and which ones are false or lies or simply pointless because they wouldn't do anything to help the problems at hand.


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