
Saturday, October 28, 2017

A nation of Draxes

That's Drax the Destroyer, of Guardians of the Galaxy fame.  I'm the least capable person in America when it comes to unpacking comics and the whole Comic Universe. Nonetheless, I actually enjoyed GotG, and watched it a couple times.

One thing that came out of it was that old Drax is from a race that takes things literally.   No metaphor or figurative language there, he takes everything at face value.   And in the movie, that's supposed to be funny.  It does lead to some humorous dialogue.

I thought of that as yet another person has violated our Big Politically Correct Brother's sensitivities, speaking words of the English Language, only to find out he has likely revealed his inner racism and has been called to grovel.

What did he say?  He said, relative to the kneeling controversy in the dying NFL, that he didn't want the inmates running the prison.  Of course that's an old figure of speech that's been around far longer than me.  It's a sign of the times that I immediately understood the controversy.  I think 20 years ago I would have been confused.  Today, I get it.  I knew exactly how it should have been taken, but also how stupid we would have to be to get upset about such a thing.

When you shape your nation to be filled with a bunch of people who act like comedy relief in a comic book movie, don't expect much to come from its future.


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