
Thursday, June 30, 2016


There is the post-Christian secular Left.  There is the traditional Christian faith.  And then there are those desperately trying to join those two incompatible movements together.  The result is almost a forehead slapping series of acceptable teachings that have absolutely noting to do with the historical faith, yet are embraced by an ever growing number of people.

The one about Doctrine hits home, since that has been quite the issue lately, as some suggest that Pope Francis has basically set advocating Doctrine against being loving and merciful.  Whether that's a fair appraisal of Pope Francis or not, many  of his supporters have made it clear that's what they think and they believe it's what Pope Francis means.


  1. I am a fellow convert, who left the Protestant Church because I was dissatisfied with how disconnected their doctrine of justification was compared to Scripture, common sense and the personal struggle within my own conscience. It made no sense once you thought about it, and earnestly saw where it led.

    I also left because I was dissatisfied with Protestantism's founder, Martin Luther. He took his crazy doctrine of justification, drew out all its false conclusions, and then declared them true on his own authority. So says he! And we all bought it!

    So, seeing the Pope's opening to Lutherans and their theology; elevating their doctrine of justification to the same as the Catholic doctrine of justification (not equivalent, same), was personal for me. I staked my soul on being correct about this very big thing. I invested much of my life trying to get that question correct. I left family and friends and the patrimony of my family's faith behind after I made my choice.

    But now? Oops! Same, same. No difference. We're all good.

    Well, the Pope just confessed to being Lutheran. That much I know, having come from it. I know a Lutheran when I see one. Ain't no Mark Shea apologist going to tap dance around that one.

  2. Hi Brian. There seems to be an implicit universalism among some parts of the Catholic world. In certain cases, it seems to be generational, with younger Catholics more inclined to believe that religion and doctrine are more or less irrelevant to salvation. That's one reason why I have had a hard time in our diocese. We would be what you might call a little left of center, and for many I've talked to, they just don't get the whole 'clergy convert' thing. If I've struggled so much, why not stay Protestant? When Pope Francis says things like Protestants getting to God their way, or reaches out like this, I think he simply echoes a trend that is not altogether uncommon in parts of the modern Church.


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