
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Why don't some Americans trust the Gay Rights Movement?

Because they're not idiots, that's why.  So we have an editorial over at the Huffington Post.  Ah, the Huffpost.  I've not visited there for many moons.  But this little piece popped up on my list, so I read it to see what the huff was about.  Heh.

Apparently there is a bill in Florida, much like bills we've seen in other states, that is trying to protect a pastor's right to refuse a gay marriage in his or her church.  Technically that shouldn't be an issue.  Rev. Evans is correct.  Technically.  Pastors have always been allowed to refuse a wedding on any grounds.  As a pastor myself, I could refuse to perform the wedding just because I thought it was bogus.  If a couple just didn't seem ready, I could say no.  I never did, but I could have refused to perform a wedding. 

And yet, the bill is needed.  Why?  If pastors never had to perform weddings in churches, why a bill that would protect their right to do what they've always been able to do?  Because we don't trust liberalism and that includes the Gay Rights Movement.  The same movement that once insisted it was all about live and let live.  The same movement that insisted nobody would ever go to prison over gay rights.  The same movement that said it was just a private issue.  The same movement that said it never intended to mandate  conformity to homosexuality. Yeah, that movement.

Given the reaction against bills that suggest people should be able to follow their conscience outside of the synagogue or church or mosque, it's not hard to see why we're suspicious.  Especially when, on down in the editorial, we see this little quip:
"Opinion aside, a same-sex couple's 14th Amendment right to equal opportunity and non-discrimination supersedes the religious beliefs and "deeply held moral principles" of anyone."
You see that?  Sure, he admits that inside the catacombs churches a pastor will still be able to do what he feels.  But that little quote does seem a bit 'open ended', wouldn't you say? 

Again, if you think that the Left wants live and let live, or compromise, or let's just get along, you need to get some toilet tissue and wipe your head off with it.  It's one thing to have been fooled once, many years ago, when liberalism said it was all about freeing your mind and respecting all viewpoints and no morals just harmony.  But after the last decades, after the last years, after the last months, if you still think that is true, then you are the very type of person that P.T. Barnum supposedly spoke about all those years ago.

With liberalism, a splendid time is guaranteed for me.


  1. another example of right-wing hysteria. no one has gone to jail for opposing marriage equality. one, PUBLIC servant, sworn to serve the PUBLIC spent five days in jail for refusing to let OTHER PEOPLE in her office issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian taxpayers (whom, obviously, are paying her salary.) in order for your theory about clergy being "forced" to marry gay couples, that can only happen the day the government can force clergy to marry any couple who walks in at any time. in other words, NEVER. the world hasn't ended. straight people are still getting married. all is well.

  2. Right on the money.
    Those who let their sexual passions dominate their reason will not be convinced by rational arguments. We can not trust those whose will and intellect have been dominated by the unnatural vice to be reasonable. It is as simple as that.

  3. no one has gone to jail for opposing marriage equality. one, PUBLIC servant, sworn to serve the PUBLIC spent five days in jail for refusing to let OTHER PEOPLE in her office issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian taxpayers (whom, obviously, are paying her salary.)

    1) And yet we have other public servants, sworn to serve the PUBLIC who have committed far worse crimes and yet haven't even been so much as fined (heck one of them is running for president right now). So for a lot on the right, the cries about "public servant" can be shoved right up your -censored-. It wasn't about justice, it was about scalp hunting. And I'll retract that if shown anybody who is adamant about the other misbehaving public servants serving time besides Kim Davis.

    2) Do you even know how fines work?

    in order for your theory about clergy being "forced" to marry gay couples, that can only happen the day the government can force clergy to marry any couple who walks in at any time. in other words, NEVER. the world hasn't ended. straight people are still getting married. all is well.

    Take it away, Rod Dreher:
    The Law Of Merited Impossibility is an epistemological construct governing the paradoxical way overclass opinion makers frame the discourse about the clash between religious liberty and gay civil rights. It is best summed up by the phrase, “It’s a complete absurdity to believe that Christians will suffer a single thing from the expansion of gay rights, and boy, do they deserve what they’re going to get.”

    Sorry, but religious folks have been burned one too many times to believe the lie you repeat. Oh sure YOU yourself may not mean it or be lying, you may completely believe it's wrong to throw religious folks in jail. Thing is, it won't be up to you when it reaches that point. So pardon us but we'll believe hard won experience over honeyed words every time.

  4. "in order for your theory about clergy being "forced" to marry gay couples, that can only happen the day the government can force clergy to marry any couple who walks in at any time. in other words, NEVER. the world hasn't ended. straight people are still getting married. all is well."

    Reread what I posted. Right now there is no way the government can do so. That is what the editorial says. But note the open ended quote from the same editorial. Almost as if to say 'technically we could force everything, but we'll be swell and not do it...yet.' As Nate says, fool me once. There are far too many times that the promises of liberalism yesterday ended up being the broken promises of liberalism today. Especially in the matter of gay rights.

  5. Let's face it. Most people are afraid to even state their opinion on anything to do with homosexuality for fear of reprisal.

  6. Yep. Nothing encourages diversity like the threat of reprisals.

  7. Like a lot of other concepts promoted by the left side of the political spectrum, we have come from a campaign to eliminate persecution, to tolerance, then preference and now mandatory actions in favor of a minority group. This is the way it has always been. Whether for power, wealth, license or other forms of behavior, usually destructive, gradualism is the key to success.

  8. As I've said so often, to understand the developments associated with the Left over the last few decades, one need only read Animal Farm.


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