
Monday, March 16, 2015

How to succeed as a Catholic apologist

Don't admit you are one first.  Following the Comedy central or Glenn Beck approach, just say you're some nobody important slob laity throwing out opinions.  This allows you the forum of a pundit or apologist, with the post-modern desire to avoid accountability.  Which fans love.

Then, know your audience.  In the end, the Catholic Church, in America at least, is hard to the Left.  Most Catholics are more liberal than conservative.  And it isn't hard to see the Church is making strides in that direction.  You want numbers, you go for the largest market.

Now if you really want to get a following, then declare yourself a conservative and then spend almost all of your time trashing conservatives.  That is important.  It's common today.  Declare your demographic to be as bad as everyone else says.  Those not in the demographic love it.  And then take the next step and praise the demographic you insist you have nothing to do with!  Look at how Ron Paul and McCain were loved by the press.  The Media love them.  At least until you run for office.  And if you aren't running for office, then there's no reason to change.  It is also beneficial because you can insist it's all just part of being a bold non-tribalist.  Another important factor in the new 'non-hyphenated Catholics' movement.  That is, everyone is a tribalist, but I'm just pure, unblemished Catholic.  Many wishing to thank God for not being like those hyphenated Catholics over there will surely flock to the banner.

And of course, dispense with the old 'let's reason together' approach to discourse.  Lay it on, judge ruthlessly, and declare that there are only two groups: those on board with the Truth (that is, your interpretation of things), and the stupid, evil people.  If the bulk of those stupid, evil people are your own demographic, you'll have quite a fan base, and do quite well - as witnessed by the sheer uptick in engagements and venues you'll be offered.

FWIW, when you have multiple sources of income, and are seeing an average of three or four speaking engagements a month at $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 base per engagement according to your own website (even assuming some are for free for charity sake), however, I'd suggest that the description 'lower middle class' no longer applies.  Even assuming living in a high expense city and 1099 income.  At least in the world of the Faith. In the world of media driven polemics and self promotion?  Who can say.


  1. Lutas inadvertently summed it up with Shea (though not towards him)

    You are objecting to the successful tactic and suggesting that conservatives return to the known failed tactic. This only makes sense if you are an enemy of conservatism trying to sabotage it with concern trolling.

  2. Yep. At this point it's either a stunning lack of self-awareness, or deliberately hamstringing any who are not progressives for reasons I can only imagine.

  3. Here's what I don't understand.

    1) Catholics (protestants too, but I've noticed it just a bit more from Catholics) are big on the "God's your father, not uncle" interpretation, right? That God is more concerned with what's BEST for you, not what you want or makes you happy, no? In fact, Mark's made that point several times, no? Why then do they so want for the government to be an "uncle", and not a "father", or at least not realize that sometimes conservatives et al are advocating for what's BEST for a country, not always what people WANT. (i.e. the whole welfare vs intact families debate)

    2) Why chase so hard for the left? as pointed out here, and as pointed out in many demographic trends, the left is not only a smaller number, but they don't breed (you know, that whole contraception thing and other infertile life choices), so even if Catholics chase after the left today, the left won't be there tomorrow. I know I've heard "Catholicism is so incompetently run, it must be by God because He sustains it." but when did it seem to be standard practice from Catholics to, "oh let's be as stupid as possible! God will bail us out!"

  4. So, hovering over your links, I see that Mark has one post somehow connecting "net neutrality" with the death penalty, prudential judgement, and Luke 16:10-12, and another claiming that Scott Walker kills unborn babies. You know what? The stupidity is so apparent just from the titles, and his modus operandi so well known by now, that I'm not even going to bother giving him traffic by following them.

    It is also beneficial because you can insist it's all just part of being a bold non-tribalist. Another important factor in the new 'non-hyphenated Catholics' movement. That is, everyone is a tribalist, but I'm just pure, unblemished Catholic.

    It's reminiscent of the way that New Atheist types try to just blithely define their position as concomitant with reason itself, without actually arguing for it.

    FWIW, when you have multiple sources of income, and are seeing an average of three or four speaking engagements a month at $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 base per engagement according to your own website (even assuming some are for free for charity sake), however, I'd suggest that the description 'lower middle class' no longer applies. Even assuming living in a high expense city and 1099 income. At least in the world of the Faith. In the world of media driven polemics and self promotion? Who can say.

    Wonder if he'll continue such stunts as sniping at Fr. Z for speaking on a cruise? Just kidding, of course he will.

  5. Nate,

    The Church has a long history of warming up to the latest shifts in history. Not always with great results. Learning from past errors does not seem to be a big thing on its agendas. In some ways, I think Mark is stuck - and this is just my opinion - but Mark is stuck declaring his obedience to a Church that is clearly tacking to the left. I think Mark always had a progressive streak, but that has taken over as he is stuck dealing with the fact that the Church and its leaders are increasingly intolerant of most things a traditional conservative American would see as valuable. The irony, as you point out, is that the liberalism it is warming up to is dying, and taking the civilization that it came out of along with it.

  6. Deuce,

    Yeah, Mark's approach to the issues hovers somewhere between Glenn Beck and Jack Chick. I'm not even sure it's at the level of Huffington Post anymore. TMLutas and a few others are left trying to inject some rational debate, but they are being shouted out by the growing number of readers who are thrilled with the turn of Mark's blog.

  7. The irony, as you point out, is that the liberalism it is warming up to is dying, and taking the civilization that it came out of along with it.

    And liberal Christianity in particular, which neither the secular left nor orthodox Christians have any interest in.

    And that's why if Mark seems like an increasingly big fish, it's only because of the shrinking pond he's in:

    Jack Chick

    Probably the best parallel I've seen of what he's become right there.

    TMLutas and a few others are left trying to inject some rational debate

    That guy has a lot of pearls of wisdom, which are completely wasted on the brainless, snorting swine he's casting them before, imo.

  8. TMLutas is usually on a level above mine, and I seldom debate too much, though often it's because I agree. Or if I don't agree, he gives me plenty to think about. Which is what Mark used to do. Today, even if we agree, I almost begin wondering if I'm in error. And that's a bad sign, IMHO.

    As for Mark's declining interest, one doesn't need a graph to see that. In the old days, his blog was like a marketplace for intelligent, informed debate. I usually stayed quiet except for a few topics I was proficient in. Now, even the lunacy on places like Huffpost seem sane compared to some of the remaining regulars. A shame.


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