
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Unbelievably stupid

Just stupid. People already camping out in shifts, awaiting the all important Black Friday deals. Sure, it's just a couple people.  But wait.  In a couple years, it will be multitudes and it will start some time in September.  At least if our enlightened generation doesn't disappoint. 


  1. I find the greed so disgusting on Black Friday. I don't care if I can get a 60" TV for $3.00, I'm not going to participate in the crazy.

    Imagine having the time to sit for 22 days in front of a store for a TV? Cannot relate to that as I need an extra day in the week as it is.

    All these people are buying things for themselves. I never hear of anyone camping out to buy for homeless shelters. It's all about what they can get for themselves. Gross!

    I'll be at home with my family enjoying being together on a 4 day weekend.

  2. I don't go out on general principle. It heralds all that is wrong in our society and does so by cutting into some of the few things left that are praiseworthy in our society.

  3. 3 things always go through my mind when reading these:

    1) Such is the reality of Freedom: people do things which you might not approve (you probably wouldn't have to look far to see atheists complaining about how we Christians waste time on Sundays).

    2) If these people would really rather spend time outside with strangers than with their families, it might be doing the family a favor to get them away.

    3) How bad have things gotten that people's families are so wretched they would rather spend time with strangers? (assuming that this isn't a ritual for some families as a way they spend time together)

  4. I think it's a nation spiraling down. Apathy is big, and for many people, the latest stuff is all we have to get through to the next stuff. It keeps our minds off things. As for the families, yeah. That's what happens when an institution is under assault for endless decades.


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