
Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Muse of Mark

I had to post this.  I just had to.   And shame on me for doing it, since it really is deplorable to let politics spill into a humanitarian crisis.  But perhaps it's inevitable.  In any event, here is the post from Dan C, who has the mind and ears of Mark Shea over at CAEI:
The only ones making this political in any way is Republicans who now explain overtly their fear of Hispanics. I do not hear much from the Democrats at all on the demographics of this. But nearly every complaint from conservatives focuses on electoral power.Why don't Hispanics vote Republican? Maybe that is the problem.
So, Republicans alone are making this political?  They alone are talking about the demographics of this (not even sure what that means, but I've heard this discussion on CNN a hundred times - how this might play into Democrats during election time).  And of course, explain their fear of Hispanics (Conservatives being the racists they are). 

And this is who conservative Catholic Mark Shea has thrown his support behind, defended and even posted praises for his perception about the trouble with Conservatives.  I mean, that's like saying Jack Chick is a credible source for understanding Catholic doctrine. Again, it saddens me greatly.  I don't do this to snipe, but to pray. 


  1. I've been on a tear over there today. I've just had it with those smug, sanctimonious, sneering jerks and their constant pig-ignorant libel. No point in trying to placate or sweetly reason with them. Gave them their own medicine (except that unlike them, I'm being honest), with both barrels.

  2. I'd be fine with leaving them wherever they wanted if they would do me the same courtesy, but no it's not enough that they have to wreck CA or WA or anywhere else, they have to make all the other places like them as well...

    Oh but THIS time, they'll get the utopia right. THIS time, all the solutions will work.

    This has all taught me a very important lesson: there is nothing so virtuous, not even charity or martyrs, that the devil can't figure out SOME way to corrupt. I wonder sometimes if in the future Christianity will be despised in whole new ways. Persecuted because it is no longer seen as the fertilizer of civilization, but a poison to it. A religion that lets others be martyred for it's adherent's beliefs.

    I just hope I'm not alive to see it.

  3. Yeah, I saw. I'm glad it wasn't me. I don't know what's wrong with that blog. I mean, it's not just he's a liberal! This was once one of the best Catholic blogs out there. Now it's sinking into the pits of the blogosphere. Worst than all but the worst.

  4. Hey Deuce, you banned yet?

    I know we see you at John's place, Dave you should come too. I think the American Catholic might also offer you a friendly place.

  5. I'm sure he would ban me if I posted there with my Google account. As it is, the only option I'm giving him is to ban my whole ISP.

  6. This was once one of the best Catholic blogs out there. Now it's sinking into the pits of the blogosphere. Worst than all but the worst.

    I suspect he'll be confronted the difference between conservative and "compassionate liberal" charity at his next Tin Cup Rattle. And I expect he'll think of some way to blame it on conservatives.

  7. Took another whack at Kossacks And Loving It. I just don't care anymore. Mark and his readers have become fanatics, and there's no reasoning with them anymore, just telling them what they are and how it is in no uncertain terms. If I get banned for it, oh well.

  8. Link's dead. Maybe you touched a nerve since I see a lot more tweaking of the Left on his front page than usual.

    We placing bets on how long until he resumes attacking the ''true" enemy of the church, Libertarians?

  9. Here's some relevant links I found today...

    And this seems an apt diagnosis for what's happened to Mark.

  10. Kossacks and loving it. Heh. BTW, Nate's right, the link is dead. Was that the one about Israel?

  11. Yeah, it was the one about the MP who supposedly said all Palestinians and their mothers should be exterminated, breathlessly repeated by Mark with his own commentary about how she should consider that she's just like the Nazis who wanted to exterminate her own people, based on a link to this article for his info (about two seconds looking around there makes it obvious that it's a hate site dedicated entirely to anti-Semitic libel), which came originally from the Daily Beast.

    My comment, going from memory, went like this:

    "Wow, that is crazy and monstrous! I can't believe a prominent politician would actually say such a thing publicly, even if she believed it, given how bad it makes her own side look!

    ...which is why it apparently never happened, I presume.

    But hey, why bother double-checking ridiculously salacious, too-good-to-be-true accusations by hard-left blogs and anti-Israel "news" sites against the usual hate targets? After all, while this might not technically be what we would call "true," we all know that Israelies drink the blood of Christian children for their filthy rituals, so something like it must be true."

  12. And for the record, can I just say how disgusted I am by Mark's prosecutorial, self-righteous hate-on for Israel in general?

    In this case, Israel is being bombed unprovoked by rockets from Hamas. They've had no casualties because of their missile defense system, but for no lack of trying by Hamas. If it weren't for Israel's self-defense system, tens of thousands of their civilians would be dead now. It would only be a matter of time before some missiles got through if they didn't respond, and their citizens have to run into underground bunkers within a few seconds when the sirens go off, on a daily basis. NO country in the world would put up with this. Nobody would be willing to live that way indefinitely. Israel's response has been modest and restrained, probably moreso than what the vast majority of civilized countries would do if they were put in this situation.

    But you know - you KNOW - that the moment news of Palestinian bombs falling on Tel Aviv came out, Mark started scrutinizing his "news" sources for some Israeli misstep, something wrong or insensitive someone would do or say, that he could latch onto and loudly and sanctimoniously condemn on his blog. He'd prosecuted them for their response in his mind before they'd even made one, appointing himself judge, jury, and executioner.

    So, the moment he saw something he thought he could hang them with, he jumped right on it. It didn't matter that it was obviously sensationalist tripe in a virulently anti-Jewish faux "news" site. No need to confirm it, since he'd already found them guilty for whatever it was he was going to decide they were guilty of ahead of time.

    And even before that, he was posting about how the state of Israel isn't specially given to the Jews by God as many Evangelicals believe, but just a secular state with the same rights as any other. No reason in particular I'm sure. Just a coincidence that he posted that while they were being bombed.

    But contra what he says about Evangelicals, it's blatantly obvious that he's the one with an unhealthy Israel fixation, constantly looking for crime and pre-crime to blame them for. He's the one who thinks Israel is special: specially disallowed from exercising the same basic rights of self-defense any other country would, without being screechily anathematized over it.

    And, of course, nary a word against Hamas for their unprovoked targeting of civilians. They're "desperate" you see, which (like women who slaughter their unborn children or Central American parents who abandon their kids to the drug cartels by sending them across the border alone) means they're free of all moral agency in Mark's left-wing worldview. As usual for the hate-Israel crowd, moral equivalency would actually be an improvement.

  13. And even before that, he was posting about how the state of Israel isn't specially given to the Jews by God as many Evangelicals believe, but just a secular state with the same rights as any other. No reason in particular I'm sure. Just a coincidence that he posted that while they were being bombed.

    Well if that's the case, then shouldn't Israel have every right to wipe out anyone attacking it until the attacks stop? (whether that results in genocide or not... well that's up to the enemy isn't it?)

    And, of course, nary a word against Hamas for their unprovoked targeting of civilians. They're "desperate" you see, which (like women who slaughter their unborn children or Central American parents who abandon their kids to the drug cartels by sending them across the border alone) means they're free of all moral agency in Mark's left-wing worldview.

    It would be "interesting" to see Mark try and deal with something like this article by Jonah Goldberg. Or the question: "What should be done if Vatican City was treated like Israel?"

  14. "Dave you should come too. I think the American Catholic might also offer you a friendly place ..."

    I used to blog at American Catholic (job and parenting makes it difficult these days) but I will say they are a fine group. Most of whom are also refugees from the comboxes of CAEI. =)


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