
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It must be tough to be a conservative American Catholic

When the basic gist of your mission is to proclaim the news that American conservatives are stupid, evil, racists who are always wrong and everything that liberals say they are.  Meanwhile, liberalism is praised and adored and spoken of for its potential, while liberal pundits and activists are increasing celebrated and admired.  And except for the whole 'sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance' stuff, there's really no reason we can't agree to disagree.

I have no problem with a person who is a liberal or conservative.  Just be honest.  If to nobody else, at least yourself.  And as the comments show, stop using the excuse 'I have to trounce the Right because of the overwhelming number of right wing tribalists who insist on visiting my blog.'  The comments in this thread alone suggest otherwise.


  1. Sometime you should read Jonah Goldberg's Tyranny of Cliches books as he points out the first lie leftists tell is to themselves. And you can tell how far Shea's drifting by how many lies he's told himself that day.

    Yeah... as soon as I pointed that out to Doug (an ACTUAL conservative catholic blogger) he immediately pegged Shea as a leftist just from his appearance.

    Of course the whole "but he picks on the left too" defense is utterly stupid as well since few would say that striking the heel of one side while crushing the head of the other really makes you "neutral". It's rather like trying to talk about sin to modern folks. So many have the belief that as long as they can point to somebody who's more evil than they, they must be good people. Likewise, I've seen, well not just Shea but other leftists, who acted like as long as they could point to anyone just more left than they, it proved they were in the middle if not right-wing. It's so weird because rightists never seem to suffer that delusion. Libertarians freely admit they're pretty far right even if someone is "righter" and can identify someone as "right-wing" even if they're not as "right" as someone else.

    It's very odd. He either needs to get out of Seattle or adjust his mission because he's certainly doing a great job convincing people that they don't belong in the Catholic church.

    Though another sign is how ban happy he gets, and how much leeway right vs left commentors get. (though I haven't seen HornorSilk lately, did he finally get banned or did he go away?)

  2. Also wanted to add:

    "What's wrong with Duck Dynasty apart from the typical reality TV issue?"

    (obviously replying here since I'm banned over there)

    1) You really should rent or borrow a dvd of the show sometime, because if you ask me, it's a far better quality than a whole lot of other reality TV issues. Heck, they close each episode with a prayer so if anything I say it's superior to a lot of SCRIPTED tv shows. lol

    2) I've also been listening to an audio book of the patriarch's book, "Happy Happy Happy"... that's something you should read or listen to sometime I think. Especially right now. His family went through a lot and even he admits he wasn't a great guy once but... well Christ does work miracles.

  3. Duck Dynasty: I just don't get into the genre. But my 8th grader loves it. And IMHO, I'd rather him watch that than 99% of modern programming (though I must admit, I've become a bit of a fan of the sitcom "the Middle" Don't know why. I think it's because almost every episode has a 'when did they spy on our family' feel - plus, again, it's a million times more friendly than most that's out there.

  4. As for Mark, maybe I'm still holding out hope for the old Mark from my early days of visiting the Catholic blogosphere, but I can't help but rationalize it. He says he's a conservative, yet his almost utter hatred of anything to do with conservatism, mixed with his measured and selected assaults on left wing totems, sometimes while bemoaning their support for such evils because liberalism has so many great things to offer, makes it tough. How to figure that?

    I imagine a fellow, stripped half naked in green body paint and a cheese head, in -20 below zero weather with lifetime season tickets to the Packers insisting he's not much of a sports fan. To most thinking people, he's not just a fan, he's a stinking fanatic. But perhaps, just perhaps, he has some point of reference against which, if it was generally known, everyone would at least have to concede it makes sense why he doesn't see himself as a real fan.

    I've used that in my mind for a while. Though the continued trajectory of the blog (and it's not just his), is making it closer to imagining an Ohio State football fan insisting he's a Buckeye despite his support and love for Michigan (Ohio Stater's will get the point).

  5. Duck Dynasty: I just don't get into the genre. But my 8th grader loves it. And IMHO, I'd rather him watch that than 99% of modern programming (though I must admit, I've become a bit of a fan of the sitcom "the Middle" Don't know why. I think it's because almost every episode has a 'when did they spy on our family' feel - plus, again, it's a million times more friendly than most that's out there.

    Well looks like you did a good job raising that 8th grader. ;) You are right, there's far far worse out there.

    I haven't watched the middle yet but have been interested since it has some actors in it I'm fond of. I'll definitely put in effort to watch it on your recommendation.

    He says he's a conservative, yet his almost utter hatred of anything to do with conservatism, mixed with his measured and selected assaults on left wing totems, sometimes while bemoaning their support for such evils because liberalism has so many great things to offer, makes it tough. How to figure that?

    He lives in Seattle where Stalin's considered a right-wing extremist. XD lol

    But yes, at some point you have to ask him, "Who are you fooling? Yourself?"


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