
Monday, April 8, 2013

You go Cornhuskers!

A tearjerker, and a beautiful one at that.  Also a reminder of that divine spark of goodness within us.  The Nebraska Cornhuskers, during their spring game, allow young Jack Hoffman, a seven year old fighting brain cancer, to run for a touchdown.  And look at him go!  Give that boy some spikes and sign him up. Everyone was part of it, even the officials.  Not just a cheap publicity stunt, the coach and team have taken young Jack into their program already.  Things like this remind you of the good that's out there.  Watch it, and have some tissues ready:


  1. Some days you wonder what God could possibly see that makes us worth saving.

    Some days, you get an answer.

    (well... the one advantage of parents is that they get an answer every day)

    And to make it even more heartwarming? ESPN made this moment #1 in their top 10 "best plays" (I don't know if it's of the past day or week).

  2. That was a nice thought. Sometimes we forget the good that people do and spend too much time in our cynical age focusing on the bad.


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