
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Met the Poet Laureate of the United States

Yep, my wife and I splurged and treated ourselves to an actual date for our 20th anniversary   She has wanted to stay at a bed and breakfast our whole life, so I decided to go all out and stay at one down the street, the Winter Street Inn (which I heartily recommend).  Owing to my Mom's health problems, we didn't want to be far.  My older boys could hold down the fort, but we wanted to make sure we were in hearing range just in case.

My initial plan was to stay at the B&B, and just wander around the downtown area at night.  That was when it was supposed to be in the 40s.  As it turned out, the temps were far colder, so we made a quick dash down the street a couple blocks, had dinner, then came back.  We spent the evening playing pool and just relaxing.  It's the first time we've been out on our own for almost two years, at least that didn't have something to do with a project or errand to run.

Anyhoo, we woke up and came to the main house (we stayed above 'the carriage house') for breakfast.  While there, we were joined by none other than the new Natasha Trethewey, Poet Laureate of the United States.  Of course I had to ask what she did in Washington, and that's when she told us she was the new PL.  Wow.  Suddenly I worried if I was using the right fork.

A very pleasant and enjoyable young lady, we talked about a wide range of subjects.  She was a good conversationalist, and I tried to respect what she seemed willing to talk about or not talk about.  Mostly she asked about us.  It was nice saying I am actually employed now.  Dee could fall back on homeschooling (which Ms. Trethewey seemed very interested in).  She was in town to deliver some talks at local Ohio Wesleyan University.  Hopefully she'll have a nice, timely, and safe trip back to D.C. tomorrow despite the weather.

So altogether, a nice, relaxing and eventful night and morning.  I know, we shouldn't have spent anything with our finances being what they are.  But it's been years since we could even afford a greeting card for our anniversary, and I wasn't about to let our 20th go by without something for what has to be the most understanding, patient, and tolerant wife in modern history.

A dinning room fit for a Poet Laureate

At night, when we were the only ones there, it was actually spooky


  1. Well why didn't you TELL us your 20th was coming up? Both of your readers could have chipped in... *checks wallet* a bit.

    Grats and hey, you both earned it. And that's really cool about the PL. You should have asked her if she was willing to give a talk to your school. ;-) Hope you at least got an autograph.

  2. Ha! Actually when she went on a little riff about the importance of poetry, I joked if she would be willing to swing by and tell my boys. Especially our oldest who wants to write for a living. Thanks for the congrats.


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