
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Congrats on a wonderful Cross Country Season

To my wonderful 8th grader!  Woohoo!  What a year.  No, he didn't beat his older brother's best time in 8th grade, but then his older brother took part in sports all the way into middle school.  Our intrepid 8th grader had pretty much sat out on sports until last year, so he had quite a lot of catching up to do.  Shaving a whopping 14 minutes off his original time for a 2 mile race, he finished the year achieving all of his goals but one, and that will be put to the test next year when he runs on the same team as his older sibling.  It should be an interesting rivalry.  Our oldest has experience and an overall longer history of sports involvement.  On the other hand, he does not like invitationals, and that is all our high school Cross Country team ever competes in.  Our little champion here, seems to warm up to the mixing and mayhem of the massed invitational.  So we'll see.  As it is, congrats on finishing the season out with a major bang!


  1. Congratulations to your son from a fellow central Ohioan. You have a wonderful family and I will pray that your situation turns around.

  2. Thank you Bob. Prayers are always appreciated.


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