
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Some different blogging for a while

At least in terms of the blogs I've been visiting.  I'm sorry, but I've watched many a Catholic blog turn into a Catholic version of fundamentalist Protestant blog.  Just remove King James Bible and insert Catholic Catechism.  Right now, heading into the election, there is a rabid debate on just who to vote for, with many posts centered around a not-too-subtle attempt to suggest that there is only one way to vote, and any other approach must be from folks who don't love Jesus as much as I do.  Sure, they all deny it.  But stand back and watch, and it's clear that the common Christian tendency of trying to stack the deck in favor of my own personal preferences is alive and well and living in the Catholic blogosphere.  Not all mind you.  There are still some who are maintaining a sense of balance and perspective.  But others?  I can read vitriolic and zealous atheist blogs and barely tell a difference in tone and measure. 

I don't need that sort of frustration.  When I go to a blog and see people saying that my vote is meaningless, with the added insinuation that I should vote for a particular independent candidate or it's because I'm too stupid to understand politics or just don't care about my faith, it's time to move on.  There's nothing uplifting or challenging in that.  That's just good old fundamentalist Christianity, Catholic style.  So I'll be spending more time doing anything other than visiting most of the blogs I've been known to visit, including some that were, in their time, instrumental in helping me in my journey into the Church.  The irony?  Had these blogs been this way then, there is a strong possibility I never would have come into the Church, or if I had, it would have been despite such fundamentalism in Catholic garb, rather than because.

Anyway, on a brighter note, our 7th grader had his first home football game today.  Being one of the smaller schools in the league, we don't fare well as a general rule.  And today was no exception.  They got creamed - though in fairness, they were without their quarterback who suffered an early injury.  Still, they played hard and the defensive coach went out of his way to let us know he's doing great, and is one of the favorites of the head coach.  When all else fails in the Catholic blogosphere, I need only turn to those gifts from God to be uplifted and remember what life is all about.  Well done son.  Now we'll see how our oldest does in his first Cross Country invitational this Saturday!

They may have lost, but he knows he had some great plays in the process


  1. Nice post. Thanks for helping me out at “Catholic and Enjoying it”. Sometimes I wonder how much people are “enjoying it” over there. Our blog not so political, but I’m thinking of doing a post about this negative attitude that voting for the lesser of two evils just brings more evil. I think part of the problem is that many do not understand the theological meaning of evil. Evil has no “being”. No one can bring more evil. Evil is like darkness. No one brings darkness; one can ONLY take away light, bring light or do nothing. Stay tuned.

  2. Thanks back. I'll be keeping up as I am looking for some balanced approaches. I have no problem with folks who just can't bring themselves to vote or insist this or that candidate is the one. Naturally they think that. It's the underlying 'clearly voting for either party is the work of the devil', followed by the idea that my vote is a big waste of time anyway, that is turning me off. Especially since I just don't see that attitude coming from the bishops, or hardly any leaders at this point. I'll check in and see how you're doing with it. It is a topic worth discussing. Just better than I've watched on too many blogs here recently.


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