
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Jon Stewart slams Bill Maher for insulting Sarah Palin

Wait a minute.  That's wrong.  What was I thinking? That must be some parallel universe.  Here it is.  Jon Stewart slams Rush Limbaugh for insulting Sandra Fluke.  OK, that's better.  Far more believable.  Plus he makes sure to remind us that all Jews are crooks.  No, that's not right.  That all blacks like watermelon.  Nope, missed again.  That all Catholics are Jesus eaters.  No, still not there.  Oh, yeah.  He points out that Rush is just like all those people who don't conform to Stewart's absolute moral dogmas.  Cue laughter from post-moderns who celebrate hatred and contempt for anyone who stands in the way of our hedonistic narcissism.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, haha. Funny how people like Jon Stewart will attack conservatives or anyone who doesn't agree with or laugh hysterically at every lame duck joke he cracks. Jon Stewart is just another liberal kiss ass to Obama. He and Bill Maher. I don't care what anyone says, what Bill Maher said about Sarah Palin is far worse than what Rush Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke. What Rush said is at least partially true. Jon Stewart's an ass


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