
Monday, January 30, 2012

Andrew Riggio sees a sick child

And exploits her. In a sad display of political exploitation, Riggio looks at the Santorums struggling with their sick daughter and sees a chance to ramrod some personal agendas.  The usual chorus of zombies joins in (though it's nice to see some prefer to offer prayers and hope for the Santorums, rather than snicker at their dilemma for political gain).  The most chilling part of the editorial that only Himmler could love, is the continued bringing up of Santorum's anti-abortion stances.  I'm not sure how the sickness of this girl causes Santorum to be a hypocrite for opposing  woman's right to abort unborn babies.  If I try to tie the two things together, it's enough to make the skin crawl as to just what our esteemed Mr. Riggio is suggesting.  We won't even get into the hogwash of lies, half-truths, and garbage on which this stellar addition to the quality has based his keen observations. It suffices to say that this prize winning piece concludes, not with actual evidence of hypocrisy, but merely the judgmental assumption that if Santorum didn't have the money he had, he would sing a different tune.  Well done Yahoo, the quality continues to amaze.


  1. AMEN!! It's so these people not know they are going face to face with God someday? How will they respond? They are so easily influenced by the Evil One now....wait until judgement day when the evil spirits are unleashed....if you can't say no to them on earth you won't be able to on the day of judgement! We must as hard as it is, pray for the conversion of so many!

  2. I'd go even a little less than that. People who see in a sick, and potentially dying child, deserve the righteous condemnation of a society that would still like to pretend it has a shred of heart and soul left. Even a shred. Nothing more.

  3. I'm surprized Shea hasn't hit Santorem today, he's going after pro-life conservatives hard lately, saying some really uncharitable, disgusting things.

  4. I doubt Mark would jump on this bandwagon. I have a feeling he would be sickened by the thought of someone saying 'Ha! Hypocrite' to the Santorums as much as I was. As for those on Mark's blog, now that's a different ballgame. That's where one can go to find out how bad America sucks, has always sucked, how rotten all [non-Paul] politicians are, how evil is Democracy, how evil is capitalism, how we yearn for a good old benevolent monarchy, how Harry Potter is the literary incarnation of the Gospel (and only idiots and heretics think otherwise), and how sin only came from Protestant heretics, so when their brats were killed by a few rogue Indians, it's no big deal. Indeed, the quality of commenters on Mark's blog has slipped over the years, and sometimes I think that's what we notice, less the blog itself. At least IMHO.

  5. Don't mention it. It's the most I can do.


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