
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Steve Buckley is gay!

Apparently that's news.  Our quality journalistic institutions must assume that an important news story involves telling people like me, who didn't know there was such a person as Steve Buckley, that Steve Buckley is gay.  My regards to G.K. Chesterton on that one.


  1. "While a writer may not have to take the abuse from fans that the guys and girls on the field do, it will still be incredibly difficult for him to walk back into a locker room."

    I think this is more the story than anything. How comfortable will the guys in towels be now!!!

  2. your ingnorant and so is this blog. what is it for? So bigots can come together

  3. Well since this is the comment from the article maybe you should go to the source of the article this story is linked to. I know that I would not be comfortable if a lesbian were in the locker room interviewing me. Just like I would not be comfortable with a man in the locker room interviewing me. As it stands I comented on the quote I took from the article above. I am not a bigot, I believe that everyone has the right to chose to live the way they wish. They have the right to do as they please, but that does not mean I have to agree with it or be comfortable with them in a locker room. hence the comment above.

  4. Anon.,

    Please pick a label if your account isn't picked up by the comment section. Also, don't insult other commenters again. You can say 'that's ignorant' all you want. Just don't say 'your ignorant'. Or 'you're ignorant' for that matter. That's crossing the line.


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