
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Only twelve shopping days until Martin Luther King, Jr., day

That's right kids, so better get that old moldy tree from whatever holiday that was out of the way so we can turn our attention to America's only true Holy Day of Obligation.  Where a godman is worshipped and venerated.  Not that silly old fable that everyone knows is a lie.  And thank goodness we don't have to worry about the evils of America like we do at that unfortunately named Thanksgiving day, or those other patriotic anachronisms now best suited for barbecues and furniture sales.  Nope, this time we're not just celebrating old dead men, but a god among insects.  A day in which the true spirit of the day is called upon, the true meaning of the day is agreed upon, where our nation, our government, our society joins together as one and agrees upon the true meaning of Kingmass.  Yep, thank goodness we're not like we used to be, back in the 70s when progressives laughed at silly old holidays that lifted people up as if they were some type of divine figure.  All the type of thing silly, unsophisticated cultures do.  Nope, this time we have it right, and the proper worship, veneration, celebration, and trappings are unanimously agreed upon - or else. 

So get your Kingtrees ready, roll out the holly, devote your lives to the True (TM) cause,  and let the true meaning of a holiday will be celebrated in the most pure, holy, and sacred manner in which it always has, or always ever will be.


  1. I'm not going there! I agree somewhat, but you might want to avoid so much sarcasm. It could be taken the wrong way.

  2. How would they take it? How should they take it? I would think humor in our culture is fine and dandy. Look at everything said about Christmas over the last month. Of course, that's kinda my point.

  3. Anon.,

    Next time, pick a name - any name - before you toss off an insult. I can take it, I just like to see who is validating my point.

  4. "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
    Sorry Dr. King that people are still judging each other by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. Each day we are reminded of this - white men are being judged just because they are white. Black men are lifted up just because they are black. Blacks celebrate the man for his dream, but live each day judging each other by the color of thier skin.
    Someday maybe we can see that people are people and to set aside and entire month for one man whose dream has failed instead of trying to make his dream happen is rather fruitless. I believe that Dr. King would not be pleased with the godlike status that he has been given. He wanted people to live as people who could beleive in each other based on the "content of their character".

  5. How do you know what Dr. King would want? And the reason there is still racism is because of jerks like this. Ask yourself why he has a problem with this and not presidents day.

  6. again read the quote from his speech.
    Maybe he does have a problem with President's day- that is not until next month- but again we do not celebrate an entire month for them - just one day.

    I would like you to add your name on these so that I can address a name. I am sure Dave would appreciate this too.

  7. FWIW, I don't have a problem with president's day. I don't even have a problem with picking MLK and giving him a holiday - even if there are many Americans who have done great things. MLK and Civil Rights hits on that Great American Sin that we can't forgive, and so it makes sense he gets the day. I merely point out that it is a day we spend focused on like Christmas or President's day used to be. Or even Thanksgiving. Were it not for shopping and sales, those days would be off the radar. But MLK gets a month or more of celebration. My kids do more in school for him than we did growing up for anything - and that even includes Christmas.

    And again, please pick a name.


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