
Thursday, January 6, 2011

GOP drops campaign promises?

It's what they do.  It's all they do.  They can't be reasoned with.  They can't be bargained with.  They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.  And they absolutely will not stop - ever - until they need to make all the same promises to get elected again next time.

I know, that's a tad cynical.  But in a way, we deserve what we get.  We demand our politicians tell us they will give us everything we (defined as 'me') want, while not really caring about anyone else who may want something different.  Of course they must then tell that 'anyone else' the same thing.  If someone got up and said, 'Look, fact of the matter is this country is bigger than any of you.  I'll do my best to help as many as possible, while standing on my own principles and beliefs (in which they are stated here:________), but I can't promise you everything, and may only be able to do a little bit overall - some of which may end up costing some of you as others benefit.  Hopefully it will all even out in the end."

Can anyone imagine a promise like that leading to an election?  Nope.  Which is why we get the usual from our elected officials.  In the end, a Democratic society, even a Republic, has itself to blame when bellyaching about its elected officials.


  1. I guess I never assumed that they would be able to do all that they said. When you are working for others you can't do everything you want to do. I guess to me campaign promises never have meant anything. I am usually happy if they try to do what they should to keep what promises they can. In the case of repealing healthcare - I think they should try to go about it a different way and maybe they can at least get something accomplished as opposed to straight up or down votes that will die in the Senate. Compromise - work together. Everyone will not be happy, except maybe the American people who can benefit from it.
    OK so I am cynical too, but who nowadays isn't
    Too much bad and not enough good can make anyone a little cynical.

  2. "It's what they do. It's all they do. They can't be reasoned with. They can't be bargained with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop - ever - until they need to make all the same promises to get elected again next time."

    Priceless! Fanned on this one! You are correct. For all the complaining we do, we only have ourselves to blame.


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