
Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Great American Guilt

Walter Rogers, for the Christian Science Monitor, bothers to ask just why it is we Americans are increasingly scared to utter the phrase 'Merry Christmas.'  He gets it.  The money quote of the article is:
"But there can be no true religious coexistence within a culture as long as one sect feels duty bound to cower."
That's good.  That's very good.  Too many Americans/Christians feel the way to best reach across the aisle is to fall on our hands and knees and grovel; to dispense with our cherished traditions and ideals in the name of coexistence.  As any adult knows, you may get a sort of half hearted friendship with someone who is happy to be the dominant person in the relationship, but you'll never have their respect.

It's telling that when we seek to ban or censor in the name of liberal tolerance, it's often for groups who themselves have not called for such restrictions.  As story after story comes from various parts of Europe about the need to eradicate all references to Christian thought, mostly in the unspoken name of Islam, it's interesting that Muslims often come out and insist they want no such thing.

Of course, like many things, it's actually part of a revolutionary movement to eradicate the Christian foundations of Western culture.  Those calling for censorship of Christian expression in the name of tolerance most likely just want censorship.  They simply have to find a reason that sounds justifiable, as all tyranny in history has had to do.  But kudos for Mr. Rogers for calling a spade a spade, and seeing the ludicrousness behind the idea that we should be afraid to say Merry Christmas when referring to a celebration of that December 25th holiday.


  1. That is true. My problem with this is the underlying assumption that Christianity alone among the various religious beliefs should not be able to proclaim itself openly. The very thing our Bill of Rights was meant to prevent.


  2. I think you are right. What bothers folks, what has set off the whole 'war on Christmas', is not that some feel they shouldn't say Merry Christmas, but the idea that our society has reached a point where it feels it is appropriate telling people they can't say Merry Christmas.

  3. This is the point. Many make light of the War on Christmas, and I admit it can go to the extremes. But it does point to a growing threat to religious freedom that is taking root in our society, especially among liberals.


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