
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

And yet more love for Christianity from the Religion of Peace

In Java, in Iraq, in Egypt, and in Nigeria, Christians have caught the wave of what true love and openness regarding religion is all about.  Of course, none of this is to, or should be to, suggest that there is anything wrong with Islam or the Muslim world.  These, as well as those cases in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and Indonesia that we've looked at over the last few weeks, just go to show you how extremists can mess up everything.  After all, just about every study shows barely 10% of the Muslim world supports jihad and terrorism against non-Muslims ( that would be, for the mathematically challenged, around 150 million if we assume a global population of 1.5 billion Muslims - but not to worry).  Yes we have had hundreds of Muslims trying to pull off mass killings of Americans and Europeans as well, including one pretty successful jaunt in the heart of America's military establishment.  But naturally I'm aware that most of this is probably America's fault, and especially the fault of Bush and his policies.

So I think it's clear that anyone who even thinks that there is a larger 'Muslim' problem or a problem within the "Islamic World" is merely demonstrating the rawest form of ignorance and Islamaphobic bigotry.  Those who insist they really don't want Muslims hurt or discriminated against, that they really see some problems across the Islamic world that need addressed beyond just terrorism, are speaking the language of stereotypes and prejudice.  How else can we explain the likes of Terry Jones, whose act of unspeakable evil was rightly used to demonstrate the long, sad history of American racism and bigotry that marks and defines every nook and cranny of our country and its shameful past.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent point. It's sad how easily Americans attack our own country while letting every other country off the hook.



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