
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Looks like the class of 2013 may have to hunker down after all

Apparently the hype over the Mayan calendar could be wrong. It may not be 2012 after all. We may not know when it will happen. It may have already happened! What will John Cusack say? Another fun conversation topic ruined by persnickety scholars. Alas.


  1. Interresting article. I guess I never held much stock in it anyway. The end times are a "mystery". I guess this shows that God will continue to keep it a mystery. He is to come "like a theif in the night"

  2. I'm amazed at how it was, more or less, common knowledge. In school, on TV, in college, everyone mentioned, even if in passing, that the Mayans said it would end in 2012. All of a sudden it becomes a media craze, and then all of a sudden you have scholars coming out and saying it never said that, or we're wrong, or there was no such conclusion. My question, where were these doubters for all those decades? Why didn't we hear about them before? Are theey just coming out to catch the media wave? Or, is the media so untrustworthy to learn about such things that it missed the debate for all those decades (though it wasn't always through the media that I heard about it growing up).

  3. Good question. It is hard to say. look at all the Y2K scare- then nothing. The media hypes things that are so often "WRONG" that I wonder why anyone even listens to it any more. Goodness knows it is so often so wrong and off the mark. But you are right this time it really was not just the media it was in schools and on the "History Channel" - not that that is realy any different than the media; it was general knowlege and that is a pretty scarry thing to think of - how many other things that have been accepted as general knowlege are in fact completely off base. Makes you wonder.

  4. Y2K was a bit mixed. On the one hand, it never would have been what the movies portrayed it as. On the other, it could have caused _some_ problems, but that the computer gurus of the time were devoted to fixing it; whether those problems would have seriously threatened the economy, let alone life and limb, or whether they would have merely given us a period of brownouts and cut profit from affected industries, I don't know -- ever try to track down how much of what code was changed for a given purpose in a given time period not for any given thing but across the whole nation?

  5. Hi- S_Cobbler- nice to hear from you again. I was not making any real commentary on the Y2K other than how hyped it was. I know there were many many people involved in making sure things did not go too far. However I also know people took things really far - like buying up months of non-perishible items and preparing to be without all sorts of things for a very long time. I thought then - Panic. So that is really the only point I was trying to make. If you are one of the many who was behind the scenes making sure things did not go wrong I thank you or if you know someone who was - pass my thanks on to them. I did not mean to cut those people down. just the ones who ensued panic in some areas of life. We happened to move over Y2K from one state to another. All of our possesions were on a moving truck on January 1st 2000. So we had confidence that there were individuals out there taking the precausions that were needed to fix any problem that would arrise.


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