
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rest in Peace Maury Chaykin

He was one of those faces you see in movies that appears to be everywhere, even when, upon reflection, you realize you only saw him in a couple films. That's because when he was on the screen, the camera seemed to love him. Mr. Chaykin was one of those actors upon whom the film industry relies, always dependable, always there, and always recognizable without stealing too much from the stars. From his breakout roles in movies such as Wargames, to a strange yet pivotal part in Dances With Wolves, Mr. Chaykin was a captivating presence. Though television fans may recognize him as Nero Wolfe, millions of adults my age will forever associate him with the immortal line: Mr. Potato head. Mr. Potato head! Back doors are not secrets! (with Germany subtitles no less):

Thanks for the memories, and rest in peace.

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